Policy Network on Meaningful Access (PNMA): Eight possible ways to conciliate “access” with “meaningful” (17 December | 09:00 - 10:15 | Main Hall) During 2024, the Policy Network on Meaningful Access (PNMA) has contributed to assist and advocate for the implementation of policy solutions for the key issues previously raised, while monitoring ongoing experiences and welcoming new practices. The continuous multistakeholder public debate on the focus areas takes into account the Global Digital Compact (that has adopted the concept of meaningful access in its final text and recommendations), the deliberations from NETMundial+10, and the WSIS+20 and IGF+20 processes. The PNMA Plenary Session will focus into two aspects: the traditional highlights of meaningful access success stories - this time with focus on the Arab region -, and the role of meaningful access in the proper setup, use, and reporting of crisis response mechanisms (e.g., alert and emergency systems connected to natural disasters). For more information, visit the session page here. Main IGF 2024 Theme: Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age |
Policy Network on AI (PNAI): AI Governance We Want - Call to action: Liability, Interoperability, Sustainability & Labour (17 December | 15:15 - 16:30 | Main Hall) The main session will explore existing guidelines, norms, principles, or agreements that safeguard Internet access and stability during times of crisis and conflict. It will assess the need for new or updated normative or legal frameworks and policies on national, regional and international levels to further strengthen the protection of the Internet's core resources. The session will also clarify the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders, including governments, the private sector, the technical community, and civil society, in implementing these guidelines and monitoring compliance. For more information, visit the session page here. Main IGF 2024 Theme: Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space |
Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Cybersecurity: Coordination and Sustainability in Cybersecurity Capacity Building (17 December | 16:45 - 18:00 | Main Hall) While various mappings, inventories, and initiatives provide a wealth of information on cybersecurity capacity-building offerings, overlaps and gaps in information exist and the information may not reach its target audience effectively. The BPF will explain how it discussions led to the above problem statement and invite panellists and participants to comment on the problem statement, share their own experiences, and make suggestions to refine or rephrase if needed. The second part of the session will zoom in on actionable solutions, best practices and recommendations to address or avoid the problem. For more information, visit the session page here. Main IGF 2024 Theme: Enhancing the digital contribution to peace, development, and sustainability |
Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation (PNIF): Avoiding Internet Fragmentation: Understanding and Contributing to Operationalising the GDC Commitment (19 December | 09:00 - 10:15 | Main Hall)
The IGF Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation (PNIF) focusses on policy, technical, legal and regulatory measures that threaten the open, interconnected, and interoperable nature of the Internet. The PNIF, an IGF intersessional activity, emerged from a community effort led by a multistakeholder coalition of civil society, business and technical organizations. The PNIF aims to raise awareness of actions and measures that risk fragmenting the Internet and wants to serve as a platform to fostering discussions on how avoid such fragmentation.
For more information, visit the session page here.
Main IGF 2024 Theme: Improving digital governance for the Internet We Want