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IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #134 Blockades, Boycotts, and Divestment

    Free Moscow University
    Alexander Isavnin, Free Moscow University, Academia, Eastern European Group
    Dr. Keith Goldstein, Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Education, Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Academia, Asia Pacific
    Bailey Lamon, Board Member, Pirate Parties International, Civil Society, WEOG


    Dr. Andrey Shcherbovich, Professor, Free Moscow University, Academia, Eastern European Group
    Dr. Keith Goldstein, Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Education, Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Academia, Asia Pacific
    Bailey Lamon, Board Member, Pirate Parties International, Civil Society, WEOG

    Onsite Moderator

    Alexander Isavnin


    Alexander Isavnin



    Targets: This session should improve participation and cooperation towards targets related to cooperation and fair participation of all stakeholders, towards streightening global partnership, ensuring inclusiveness and peaceful societies.


    Fully interactive and participatory discussion

    Duration (minutes)

    In this talk we will be discussing recent protest movements and campaigns to reduce collaboration with entire countries. We will draw heavily on the examples of Russia, Iran, and Israel. We will present speakers from liberal movements in these countries who argue for integration in global communities and bringing global values, while protesting against their respective governments. We will present ideas that rather than collaborating with like minded opposition forces that can bring about change in these countries, they alienate these groups.

    The talk will focus on social media and internet collaboration whereby groups from different countries discuss policy topics and ways to solve macro-conflicts and evaluate the possibility of usage of multi-stakeholder approach.

    In addition to declared sanctions and trade restrictions, Human Rights protecting organizations are highly likely to boycott activities and events in countries, where knowledge about freedom and rights are mostly required, where support of suppressed stakeholders are mostly needed. Such activity of civil society organizations could amplify negative impacts on stakeholders and ordinary citizens and residents.

    This lightning talk is based on the success of “IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #128 Tech sanctions and canceling as an incentive for fencing”, even though organizers and proposed participants have not shown up, interested IGF2023 participants gathered in the room and discussed related topics specific to tech sanctions, Internet governance, peace, sustainability in the sanctioned countries. Examples from Russia, Israel, Iran, Ethiopia and some other countries were given during that session.

    We hope to collect updates since last year, ensure discussion, and plan possible intersessional activities on improving cooperation for affected stakeholders.

    Full talk will be driven by the audience.
    Lightning talk format, without webcast, recording and transcription will ensure confidence of the participans, and more open discussion, rather than discussions done "on the record".