IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #149 Lightening talk

    Speaker: Larry Magid, CEO ConnectSafely (NGO based in US) Moderator, Brittan Heller, Stanford University Maureen Kochan, ConnectSafely
    Larry Magid, CEO ConnectSafely. A US-based NGO.
    Onsite Moderator
    Brittan Heller
    Maureen Kochan
    1. No Poverty
    3. Good Health and Well-Being
    5. Gender Equality
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    12. Responsible Production and Consumption

    Targets: Tech moral panics often impact low-income and marginalized groups. While some technologies can continue to poverty, others can help alliviate poverty and inequality. Women and especially impacted and often portrayed as "victims" of new technologies. Tech moral panics can impact work and economic groth as well as production and consumption.
    A talk with slides
    Duration (minutes)
    A talk about the history of tech moral panics going back to Socrates, who worried that writing would impede memory, to the printing press, the loom and other technologies all the way to today's fears of generative. Will emphasize how these moral panics often more severely impact women and marginalized communities as well as situations where a lack of concern over some technologies also led to harm. Tentative slides can be found at https://connectsafely.org/moralpanic

    Remote participants will be encouraged to ask questions and make comments. slides will be shared online during the meeting and available for later viewing, The organizer is very experienced with IGF events, including facilitating remote participation.,