IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #2 CGNet Swara: Giving a Voice to a Ravaged, Neglected Region

    CGNet Swara
    Kundan Kumar Shubhranshu Chaudhary Diptendu Roy & Team Members of CGNet Swara


    Kundan Kumar - Secretary CGNet Swara Shubhranshu Chaudhary - Founder CGNet Swara Diptendu Roy & Team Members of CGNet Swara

    Onsite Moderator
    A Team Member from CGNet Swara
    A Team Member from CGNet Swara

    10. Reduced Inequalities
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Targets: // CGNet app aims to afford these communities cohesion and possible redress by giving shared voice to those who have neither recourse nor linguistic representation in India's mainstream media. SDG 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels // Establishment of an open source citizen journalism platform in the conflict affected media dark zone. In the local indigenous language. SDG 10 - Reduce Inequality within and among the countries SDG 10.3 - Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard //The software underlying CGNet Swara is open-source and freely available from an online repository. The system was originally developed as a project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is currently maintained with the support of Microsoft Research India and several volunteers. The CGNet Swara server can be easily replicated. The system requirements are: A desktop computer running Linux and Asterisk. An Internet connection (for hosting the Web server). A telephony interface. We recommend the Topex Mobilink IP to enable calls via a cellular SIM card. We have also made the code for Bultoo Radio open-source. We are happy to offer guidance to other organizations who are seeking to establish similar services around the world SDG 9.c - Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020


    Video and Slides Presentation along with the Speakers' delivery.

    Duration (minutes)

    An Android app designed to give voice to tribes at the heart of India's Maoist insurgency was launched September 20 as part of a campaign to end the conflict through the combination of oral tradition and new technology. The app allows tribes living in the remote jungle interior of the Dandakaranya forest to become citizen journalists, posting and sharing pictures and stories on CGNet Swara, a mobile phone-based reporting platform cofounded by Indian journalist Shubhranshu Choudhary and American computer scientist Bill Thies. Many indigenous people, known as the adivasi ("original dwellers"), in the Dandakaranya region are blighted by problems typical of so many of India's remote communities: land loss and evictions, lack of schooling, absence of medical care, and dearth of civic amenities—combined with deep mistrust of local authorities. In the foourteenth years since its launch, the platform has logged over a million calls and thousands of published reports. These have included everything from reporting cholera outbreaks and resolving payment disputes to sharing news about village affairs. The network also features poetry and folk songs.

    Our team will facilitate and manage the interaction in hybrid mode i.e taking in-person questions onsite and taking questions from the streaming platform such as youtube or zoom. Last five to six minutes of the talk would be dedicated to the interaction with facility to reach out after the event.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The works done so far needs to be shared to a diverse group, for which social media can be leveraged. As a lot of participant wanted to endorse the work in their respective circles.
    There is a need for low-tech, community development support in many communities across the global south; Lightning talks and workshops are great ways connect with practitioners/ experts from the field and the after session queries and chats open up a lot of opportunities to partnerships.
    A diverse group of audience in terms of age, gender, backgrounds help in developing long term strategies. After this lightning talk and with all the suggestions and relationships it is important to come with mid to long term strategy.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Re-activation of social media of our organisation, putting stories in public so that the stakeholders willing to make contribution can join without any barrier.
    Building of an online/offline community where lowtech/connecting the unconnected community development programmes are focused and a continuous flow of information around different support opportunities are visible for all.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    I delivered a lightning talk at IGF 2024 titled "CGNet Swara: Giving a Voice to a Ravaged, Neglected Region." The presentation focused on an innovative approach and IVR based platform designed to empower indigenous communities in India's remote regions

    Key Points of the Talk

    CGNet Swara Platform

    • CGNet's IVR and the Android app and mobile phone-based reporting platform.
    • Allows tribes in the Dandakaranya forest to become citizen journalists.
    • Enables posting and sharing audio, voice messages and stories.

    Impact and Reach

    • Over a million calls logged
    • Thousands of published reports
    • Topics range from health issues to local disputes and cultural content

    Addressing Challenges

    • Targets communities facing land loss, lack of education, and limited healthcare
    • Provides a voice to those underrepresented in mainstream media
    • Aims to reduce inequalities and promote peace in conflict-affected areas

    Technical Aspects

    • Open-source software
    • Maintained with support from volunteers
    • Easily replicable system with basic hardware requirements

    Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals

    The project contributes to several SDGs:

    • SDG 9.c: Increasing access to information and communication technology
    • SDG 10: Reducing inequalities
    • SDG 16: Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies

    Presentation Format

    The lightning talk included:

    • Video and slide presentation
    • Speaker delivery
    • Hybrid Q&A session (in-person and online)

    This innovative project demonstrates the power of technology in giving voice to marginalized communities and promoting social justice through citizen journalism