IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #40 IGF and support innovation to combat the food crisis

    IoT Association, Russia
    Filina Natalia, IoT Association progect manager, Secretary of EURALO (At-Large, ICANN), Western Europe, private sector Laura Margolis, President of Internet Society Uruguay, Latin America, private sector Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede, Vice-Chairman of the ITU- D Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG), technical stakeholder group
    Filina Natalia, IoT Association progect manager, Secretary of EURALO (At-Large, ICANN), Western Europe, private sector Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede, Vice-Chairman of the ITU- D Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG), technical stakeholder group
    Onsite Moderator
    Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede
    Filina Natalia
    2. Zero Hunger
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Targets: This talk will consider specific examples, best practices showcasing of technological advances, digitalization of the agro-industrial and logistics industries, which help us use resources carefully and with maximum effect and make quality food available to as many people as possible. We will focus on concrete action, implementation and results we already have from different regions of the globe. We have to move from discussions to action. We want to call to share solutions, share technologies and help people survive and live with dignity everywhere. The general goal of this talk is to draw attention to a global problem, to learn lessons, to get rid of the feeling that digital technologies are a great way only for the economic efficiency of companies, people's communications, digital work, education and other wonderful expectations of the modern world. Digital technologies can change people's lives, or more precisely, save, prevent humanitarian crises, distribute and reproduce equally, and save more food for people.
    Is the format of a live dialogue: an introduction from the speaker (10-12 min), the question to audience, the answer from one of attendees and comment from speaker. After open dialogues (few questions and answers and comments) The Moderator will go to conclusion.
    Duration (minutes)
    One of the UN Sustainable Development Goal is to reduce hunger and malnutrition in the world. One of the most humanistic and socially significant tasks of scientific breakthroughs, discoveries and technological development is to improve the quality of life of people in all aspects. First of all, providing everyone living on the planet with vital resources. Food. This is a very serious discussion about the role of us, participants in the Internet governance process, united IGF in forming a single platform for the exchange of best practices (and free access to solutions, software, developments) and digitalization of the food production process, its preservation and delivery in order to defeat hunger and give food to all in need, without disrupting the ecosystem and preserving resources for future generations. Technology and all benefits of the Internet should help make life on earth high-quality for everyone and provide basic human needs - food occupies a very important position on this list. The general goal of this talk is to draw attention to a global problem, to learn lessons, to get rid of the feeling that digital technologies are a great way only for the economic efficiency of companies, people's communications, digital work, education and other wonderful expectations of the modern world. Digital technologies can change people's lives, or more precisely, save, prevent humanitarian crises, distribute, and reproduce and save more food for people.

    We will accept questions and comments from onsite/online participants. We plan the talk so that participants and listeners have the opportunity to give a feedback. After this session, we will use all communication resources to get feedback, to raise the topic up, to spread the most interesting statements and thoughts, succsesful cases and solution and enhance the global intention to solve the hunger problem.