IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #52 Programmable money to achieve SDG's

    IoT Nederland
    Speaker: Adri Wischmann
    Moderator: Adri Wischmann
    Rapporteur: Adri Wischmann


    Adri Wischmann

    Onsite Moderator

    Adri Wischmann


    Adri Wischmann


    1. No Poverty
    2. Zero Hunger
    3. Good Health and Well-Being
    5. Gender Equality

    Targets: follow this link for a report we wrote on how we can use purpose bound money for nearly every SDG: https://pbtokn.com/sdg.html


    Highly interactive presentation with live demonstration involving the audience followed with an interactive brainstorm/design session on how to use programmable money for their individial use case.

    Duration (minutes)

    - Description of how programmable money works, its spectrum of use cases, how we already implemented it in The Netherlands to distribute relief money from the government, how we used it to drive sustainability, how we can use it for social inclusion
    - examples deplayoments from several different SDG's
    - interaction with the audience to "blitz-design" local use-cases (spontaneous) leveraging the advantages of purpose bound money: lower administrative burden, reduce fraud and misuse while stimulating the local economy and being evironmental friendly.

    We will accept questions and remarks from online audience and show them the live-demonstrations through smartphone-screen-mirroring, accepting requests for use-cases in the brainstorm/design phase of the presentation.