IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #62 Digital Gender Equality: Empowering Women in Pakistan

    CIRCLE Women Association
    Sadaffe Abid, CEO and Founder CIRCLE Women Association Shehab Niazi, Senior Program Manager CIRCLE Women Association


    Sadaffe Abid, CEO and Founder of CIRCLE Women Association Shehab Niazi, Senior Program Manager CIRCLE Women Association

    Onsite Moderator
    Sadaffe Abid
    Shehab Niazi

    1. No Poverty
    5. Gender Equality
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: At CIRCLE Women Association, we are committed to addressing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 5, 8, and 17 through strategic initiatives aimed at empowering women and fostering economic growth in Pakistan. Under SDG 1: No Poverty, our programs, specifically Digital Literacy Program and Digital Acceleration Program, focus on providing digital literacy, financial inclusion, and entrepreneurial skills training to low-income women, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and create sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families. In alignment with SDG 5: Gender Equality, we prioritize empowering women and girls by offering opportunities for skill development through programs like our Work Readiness Program, advocating for gender equity, and fostering a supportive ecosystem where women can thrive as entrepreneurs and leaders. Under SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, our efforts aim to create pathways to economic prosperity by supporting the establishment of microbusinesses, promoting digital entrepreneurship, and facilitating access to resources and networks for women entrepreneurs through programs like She Loves Tech and Nano Influencer Academy for Women. Additionally, through partnerships and collaborative efforts as outlined in SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, we work with various stakeholders in the public and private sectors to amplify our impact, advocate for gender equality, and advance sustainable development in Pakistan. Our session “Digital Gender Equality: Empowering Women in Pakistan” will showcase how CIRCLE Women Association's innovative approach directly addresses the specified UN SDG targets. Through real-life examples, data-driven insights, and interactive discussions, we will demonstrate the tangible outcomes of our programs in promoting gender equality, reducing poverty, fostering economic growth, and fostering partnerships for sustainable development. Join us as we highlight the transformative power of digital literacy and entrepreneurship in unlocking the potential of women and driving positive change in Pakistan and beyond.


    Presentation followed by open discussion

    Duration (minutes)

    CIRCLE Women Association's session,” Digital Gender Equality: Empowering Women in Pakistan” will be led by social entrepreneur Sadaffe Abid, CEO and Founder of CIRCLE. This panel will showcase initiatives fostering financial inclusion and gender parity to combat digital poverty among low-income women in Pakistan. With a focus on digital literacy, financial inclusion, and entrepreneurial skills, we'll explore how CIRCLE's programs such as the Digital Literacy Program, Work Readiness Program, She Loves Tech, Digital Acceleration Program, and Tech Hub align with UN SDGs 1, 5, 8, and 17; driving economic empowerment and advancing human rights. This session is linked to IGF 2024 issue area "Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age," addressing the critical need to empower marginalised communities and ensure their rights are upheld in the digital realm. https://circlewomen.co/

    Interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees will be facilitated through alternating between questions from the audience and virtual participants, with priority given to virtual questions initially. We'll have both onsite and virtual moderators to ensure seamless communication. Real-time polls displayed on screen will engage all participants equally, along with synchronised slide presentations. Complementary online tools such as Google Meet and Zoom will enhance participation and interaction during the session, allowing for real-time polling and audience engagement. This platform will facilitate dynamic discussions and enable all participants to actively contribute to the conversation.