IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #92 Safeguarding Privacy in the Age of AI and Big Data

    International Information Security School
    Andrey Aleinikov – is a public relations specialist at a Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ and the chairman of the Coordination Center Youth Council. Arevik Martirosyan - is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Head of International Information Security School, accredited at UN Open Ended Working Group on ICT.
    Daria Stepovaya - the head of Research department at the International Information Security School and PhD student at Moscow State University.
    Onsite Moderator
    Arevik Martirosyan
    Andrey Aleinikov

    Targets: Addressing the issue of personal privacy on the Internet requires a multifaceted approach that involves enhancing global policy cohesion, promoting the rule of law at both national and international levels, and ensuring equal access to justice for all.
    The speaker will present her research paper "Safeguarding Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: An International Relations Imperative" with Q&A afterwards.
    Duration (minutes)
    There are serious privacy concerns associated with the rapid growth of data generation and sharing." By 2025, the estimated amount of data generated will be 181 zettabytes, with an increase of 490 billion gigabytes per day, according to www.justice.com. In light of the internet's borderlessness and national security, it is emphasized that international regulation of data protection under the auspices of the United Nations is essential. These major ideas stress the challenges and complexity of protecting privacy in an age of artificial intelligence and big data, highlighting the importance of global supervision, international collaboration, and a collective strategy to tackle privacy issues. The need to safeguard privacy is demonstrated by the case of Clearview AI, which trained an AI system based on biometric data. For example, the use of facial recognition technology to train a system with biometrics and AI systems is considered sensitive personal data that requires special safeguarding. This highlights the need for privacy breaches in this type of data processing, particularly when it comes to training anAI system with human data.

    The presenter will express her viewpoint and opinions on the subject. Following the initial discussion, participants will be moderated. The moderator will commence the session by presenting the opening remarks. The next step is for the speaker to establish and emphasize the topic of discussion. The moderator intends to facilitate dialogue between the participants, both online and on-site. Ultimately, the moderator will summarise everything that has been said and conclude it. The attendees will be required to fill in the Google form afterward to share their views on the session and any further remarks regarding it; subsequently, additional research may be conducted.