IGF 2024 Open Forum #33 Open Consultation Process Meeting for WSIS Forum 2025

    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: This meeting urges for open discussions, collecting input by all participants, and is not framed as the panel conversation. Bearing in mind the importance of the meeting and the expected number of participants, the duration of 90 minutes is most suitable.


    The WSIS Forum 2025, to be co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD, will continue to serve as a platform to review the progress, achievements, challenges, and opportunities of the WSIS follow-up process since the two phases of the Summit – Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005. The event will take place in June 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland, and this first physical meeting of the Open Consultation Process serves as the starting point to invite all stakeholders to contribute actively to an open and inclusive consultation to prepare for the event, including developing the event programme, identifying gaps in the implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action and the WSIS Action Lines, and contributing to the WSIS+20 review process.

    We will facilitate the hybrid meeting through Zoom platform. All WSIS Forum sessions have been benefiting from remote participation since 2009 and as pioneer in this process, we have been designing hybrid sessions to fully involve remote participants by sharing screens, including Q&A from audience, open chat option for interactions, and livestreaming the session on one of our social media channels to reach out to even larger audience.


    🔒International Telecommunication Union
    Ms. Gitanjali Sah, Strategy and Policy Coordinator, ITU
    Mr. Vladimir Stankovic, Program Officer, ITU



    Onsite Moderator

    Ms. Gitanjali Sah, ITU

    Online Moderator

    Mr. Vladimir Stankovic, ITU


    Mr. Vladimir Stankovic, ITU


    1. No Poverty
    2. Zero Hunger
    3. Good Health and Well-Being
    4. Quality Education
    5. Gender Equality
    6. Clean Water and Sanitation
    7. Affordable and Clean Energy
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
    12. Responsible Production and Consumption
    13. Climate Action
    14. Life Below Water
    15. Life on Land
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: www.wsis.org/sdg

    The WSIS Process first overall review was successfully completed in 2015, and second 10-year mandate by UNGA complimented the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UN focal points for WSIS Action Lines have produced the WSISSDG Matrix, a mapping exercise that draws direct linkages of the WSIS Action Lines with the proposed SDGs to continue strengthening the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for sustainable development. Each UN Action Line Facilitator has analyzed the connections and relations of their respective Action Line with the proposed SDGs and their targets. This is a living document and changes can be introduced by Action Line Facilitators, if needed. The goal is to create a clear and direct link and an explicit connection between the key aim of the WSIS, that of harnessing the potential of ICTs to promote and realize the development goals, and the post 2015 development agenda, so as to contribute to the realisation of the latter.

    Action Line C1
    Action Line C2
    Action Line C3
    Action Line C4
    Action Line C5
    Action Line C6
    Action Line C7 E-Government
    Action Line C7 E-Business
    Action Line C7 E-Learning
    Action Line C7 E-Health
    Action Line C7 E-Employment
    Action Line C7 E-Environment
    Action Line C7 E-Agriculture
    Action Line C7 E-Science
    Action Line C8
    Action Line C9
    Action Line C10
    Action Line C11