IGF 2024 Open Forum #41 Multi-stakeholder information integrity innovations

    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: A roundtable format is ideal for fostering inclusive dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including governments, civil society, academia, and technology companies. By seating participants in a circular arrangement, it promotes equal participation and encourages open exchange of ideas. This format ensures that all voices are heard, enabling a holistic exploration of possible solutions to addressing risks to the integrity of the information ecosystem.


    Our session, 'Innovating for Multi-Stakeholder Solutions to Strengthen Information Integrity,' will begin with an introduction to the recently launched Global Principles for Information Integrity, along with a review of the UN-system wide efforts. This introduction will set the stage for a discussion on practical action steps that can be taken at a multi-stakeholder level with a particular focus on efforts aimed at capacity building and addressing the needs of communities in situations of vulnerability and marginalization. Session participants will include UN experts, policymakers, civil society representatives, private sector, news media, academics, and representative(s) of affected communities. Through a roundtable discussion, participants will explore recent or upcoming initiatives, their relative scope and possible gaps with a particular focus on communities that are in situations of vulnerability and marginalization. The goal would be to map out key innovations and opportunities. The exercise would also allow for inputs into a comprehensive online resource hub supported by the UN, serving as a central repository for strengthening information integrity globally. This hub would be a resource across stakeholder groups. This session would be the first of its kind, and would potentially call for future collaboration and updates. Background information on this workstream can be found in the Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 8: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/our-common-agenda-policy-brie….

    Ahead of the session, we would plan for an organizing session with all the speakers to review the structure, roles and technical requirements of the hybrid discussion utilizing Microsoft Teams. Online and onsite moderators will coordinate the agenda and run-of-show to ensure that all participants are able to fully participate regardless of their location.


    United Nations Department of Global Communications
    Charlotte Scaddan, Senior Advisor for Information Integrity, UN DGC Gisella Lomax, Senior Advisor for Info Integrity / MDH, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency Naomi Miyashita, Team Leader, Information Integrity and MDMH, UN Dept of Peace Ops Jennifer Park, UNDGC Vikram Sura, UNDGC


    Charlotte Scaddan, Senior Advisor for Information Integrity, DGC Gisella Lomax, Senior Advisor for Info Integrity / MDH, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency Naomi Miyashita, Team Leader, Information Integrity and MDMH, UN Dept of Peace Ops Hiroyuki Saito, Director, UN Information Centre, Dakar, Senegal Association for Progressive Communications, a South-East Asia NGO and a UNHCR implementing partner on the Rohingya MDH pilot Additional speakers to be confirmed

    Onsite Moderator
    Gisella Lomax, Senior Advisor for Info Integrity / MDH, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
    Online Moderator
    Jennifer Park, UNDGC; Vikram Sura, UNDGC
    Vikram Sura, UNDGC