IGF 2024 Open Forum #54 Closing the gender divide for inclusive economic growth

    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: The theatre seating will not only maximize space, but it will also direct all the attendees’ attention forward towards the stage. Creating the desired immersive setting to facilitate conveying the speakers’ message. Combined theatre room layout and a 90-minute window are conducive to structured presentations. It will allow for a clear delivery of information, striking the right balance between diving into the substance and allowing for a dynamic exchange with the audience.


    The session will focus on the importance to close the gender digital divide by empowering women and promoting a digital transformation that works for all. Starting from the challenges women face in accessing and utilizing digital technologies, the session will highlight economic and social benefits of closing the gender digital divide offering example of good practices and stressing the importance of digital skills development, policy reforms, and women's leadership in ICT. It will underscore the EU's commitment through its Gender Action Plan and the EU Global Gateway strategy promoting an inclusive model of digitalization. The session will be organized to ensure a good gender, geographic and multistakeholder balance of speakers. We aim at discussing the challenges and lessons learned in different geographic regions. All panelists will start with their general views on the topic (up to 5 minutes) and then proceed with two rounds of Q/A posed by the moderators (see key questions for panelists). Then we will conclude with questions from the audience. We will have both on-site and online moderators and panelist (hybrid option).

    It can be considered to allow for prerecorded video questions submitted online for the panellist to address. Potentially the virtual moderator will not only monitor the chat, but may also relay question to the onsite moderator and/or answer questions to online attendees. The session is envisioned to include the participation of high-level officials with a diverse geographical scope to deliver an insightful and constructive dialogue on the proposed theme. The speakers will display an overview of the context, actions and challenges being addressed. Throughout this session we will have the opportunity to hear the testimonies of those who have benefitted from a multilateral approach to these challenges. It is a session that will be presented in manner to welcome everyone to a conversation that requires all of us to contribute to. Online participants will be provided with clear instructions how to connect and pose questions to the participants while online. We might also use Sli.do or similar platforms. The Online moderator will take care of the smooth process in both platforms and ensure that interaction between the online and onsite audiences.


    Directorate-General for International Partnerships (European Commission)


    Opening remarks by EU Ambassador Mr. Christophe Farnaud, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain and Sultanate of Oman.

    - H.E Emma Inamutila Theofelus, Minister for Information and Communication Technology, Namibia
    - Radka Sibille, Digital Counsellor at the EU Delegation to the UN (GENEVA)
    - Roy Eriksson Global Gateway Ambassador, Finland (TBC) - One rep from Civil Society (LAC region)
    - Kedi Välba, Chair for Europe of the D4D Hub Private Sector Advisory Group and CEO of Aktors (Global)
    - Valeria Betancourt, Programmes manager: Internet governance lead
    - Ravin Rizgar, Founder and Innovation Director of Suli Innovation House

    Onsite Moderator
    Moderator: Anda Bologa (Center for European Policy Analysis Fellow)
    Online Moderator
    Carlos Severo
    Carlos Severo Esteban (DG INTPA) (European Commission)

    4. Quality Education
    5. Gender Equality
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Targets: The session proposal is linked to SDG 5 as the overarching theme of the session is to close the gender digital divide and thus seeking in gender equality in the digital/ICT related sectors. As a mean towards SDG 5, the session will also touch upon Digital skills development (SDG 4). By combining the previous two SDGs, the session will underline the resulting economic and social benefits of closing the gender digital divide and thus making the linked with SDG 8.