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IGF 2024 WS #113 AI ethics: multicultural dialogue and unique trends

    Organizer 1: Evgeny Vasin, Sberbank
    Organizer 2: Evgeny Vasin, Sberbank

    Speaker 1: Heydari Hamid, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Anvarkhodja Kadyrov, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Elvira Chache, Private Sector, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 4: Nazgul Bazhayeva, Government, Asia-Pacific Group


    Evgeny Vasin, Private Sector, Eastern European Group

    Online Moderator

    Evgeny Vasin, Private Sector, Eastern European Group


    Evgeny Vasin, Private Sector, Eastern European Group


    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: The proposed session involves a multicultural and multiregional dialogue for the purpose of making joint proposals and solutions. Therefore the round table is most suitable.

    Policy Question(s)

    A. Do the existent AI ethics rules and principles fully reflect on the regional interpretations of ethical issues? What difficulties do countries perceive in addressing the tensions of national and global approaches to AI ethical regulation?
    B. What are the most prominent ethical issues that require further development of cultural inclusivity? What are the most urgent ethical issuesfacing nations in the implementation and use of modern AI systems?
    C. How can a multicultural dialogue on AI ethical specific issues be further stimulated? What proposals do countries have for enhancing the process of sharing best practices in AI ethics?

    What will participants gain from attending this session? Participants will learn and discuss what cultural aspects, human concerns and challenges in today's digital world should be considered when further developing multinational AI ethical frameworks. Speakers will share their vision and regional expertise on AI ethical issues that are crucial for creating common ethical norms/standards.


    Amidst the concerns about limits of AI’s intrusion into human lives various countries and international organizations aspire to reach a worldwide consensus on AI ethical rules. To ensure that the ethical rules for the future AI fully represent the expectations and demand of humanity, a full range of regional, cultural and religious values must be taken into account. Therefore, a multicultural dialogue is vitally important on how AI ethics is perceived in different parts of the world.

    This session promotes the discussion between representatives of different regions and cultures on how AI ethics should develop in terms of cultural and religious diversity and inclusiveness. Participants will discuss what ethical baggage we bring to the quarter century and what ethical approaches can be further developed.

    Expected Outcomes

    The session may entail publication of an impulse paper on “Cultural diversity and respect for the values and traditions of nations as a foundation for the development of ethical instruments in the field of AI”. The paper will reflect the discussion results and will be made available to the IGF community. In addition, it can be sent to other stakeholders to gather complementary feedback. The publication of an academic text on the topics of the session may also be expected.

    Hybrid Format: The moderator will guide the discussion between the speakers to ensure that each participates (by asking questions, checking the timing and switching between topics of the discussion)

    Before the event test video calls on the platform of the session (Zoom etc.) will need to be arranged to check connectivity. Both several days before the event (checking equipment and general availability of platform) AND immediately prior to the event (to check connectivity, sound and video + to remind the participants on how the discussion will be arranged)