IGF 2024 WS #124 Untold stories of techies contributing to a safer Internet

    Organizer 1: Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Organizer 2: Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Organizer 3: Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Organizer 4: Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 1: Carlos Martinez Cagnazzo, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Carolina Caeiro, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: PABLO HINOJOSA, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 4: Mallory Knodel, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: To achieve a high level of interaction between the speakers and the audience. The roundtable format will allow us to get to know each other and strengthen ties during and after the session. It will also allow for a fluid dynamic where everyone can contribute to the dialogue.
    Policy Question(s)
    What are the main protocols on which the Internet runs and how have security solutions for these protocols been developed? What impact do you think improvements to the Internet, such as new protocol versions and additional security measures, have on our daily online experience? On whom does the implementation of these improvements depend and how is the world doing in this respect?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? Attendees of this session will gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects behind the success of the Internet, the challenges that occurred along the way, and how communities have responded to strengthen the global network. Participants will be able to: -Get familiar with the challenges the Internet has faced -Understand how challenges have been responded to by different sectors -Understand the key Internet security protocols -Gain an appreciation for the continuous innovation and collaboration vis-à-vis security protocols

    The purpose of this session is to explore the various technical innovations that contribute towards the security of the Internet, by listening to the voices and experiences of various actors in the ecosystem. It will address the duality between security and collaboration. Throughout its history, the Internet evolved due to the efforts and collaboration of multiple actors. However, this evolution has also been accompanied by challenges, ranging from accessibility issues to security threats. These challenges mutate constantly and have required the gradual development of new solutions at the level of network architecture and operations, traffic management and interconnection, as well as security and resilience. They have also necessitated the development and uptake of protocols, standards and tools to mitigate impacts and contribute significantly to creating a more secure environment for Internet users. It is important to note that these protocols are not exempt from real contexts for end-users that, while seemingly invisible to them, have helped security, not only in technical aspects of the Internet’s operations, but also through the requisite collaboration for the development and implementation of these protocols. Important global communities have emerged, creating with them bonds of trust and confidence. These bonds have facilitated more stable and secure Internet operations, as well as a more effective response to incidents when they occur. Defense mechanisms that are created in geopolitical environments tend to stymie multisectoral collaboration and therefore dampen the effectiveness of security incident responses. These technical contributions, therefore, are by no means insignificant innovations for the Internet we have come to know and use.
    Expected Outcomes
    From this session, a briefing paper will be generated with the technical solutions that bring security to the Internet, the actors to whom their adoption is recommended and the security contributions to the global community.
    Hybrid Format: Both onsite and remote moderators will meet prior to IGF2024 to agree on the interaction between speakers and attendees, both onsite and remote. Will broadcast this session through different networks to attract the largest possible audience. The session will start with a presentation by each expert speaker on the topic, to give their diverse visions, the session will be guided by a series of questions that the speakers will answer and then open the space and invite a back and forth with the participants both present and online. A moderator in the room will lead the dynamic and will be in constant communication with the online moderator and will ensure that online participants have equal opportunities to contribute to the debate. Will combine online and onsite speakers. Will proposed a tool such as Wordcloud to allow everyone to participate and bring their reflections, this will create an attractive online atmosphere.