IGF 2024 WS #160 Combatting Hybrid Warfare Through Digital Resilience

    Organizer 1: Carolina Capatina, Center for Strategic Communication and Countering Disinformation
    Organizer 2: Ana Revenco, Center for Strategic Communication and Countering Disinformation
    Organizer 3: Veaceslav Sirbu, Center for Strategic Communication and Countering Disinformation
    Organizer 4: Carolina Capatina, Center for Strategic Communication and Countering Disinformation

    Speaker 1: Ana Revenco, Government, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 2: Carolina Capatina, Government, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 3: Carolina Capatina, Government, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 4: Veaceslav Sirbu, Government, Eastern European Group


    Carolina Capatina, Government, Eastern European Group

    Online Moderator

    Carolina Capatina, Government, Eastern European Group


    Carolina Capatina, Government, Eastern European Group


    Duration (minutes): 60
    Format description: 1. Facilitating Dialogue - allows for interactive dialogue among participants, exchange of ideas, insights, and experiences promoting a diverse range of perspectives and viewpoints.
    2. Collaboration and Networking opportunities among stakeholders from governments, the private sector, civil society, and academia. Participants can engage in meaningful discussions, share best practices, and establish connections for future collaboration.
    3. Efficient Use of Time: the session is focused and concise, allowing for in-depth discussions. This format enables the Center to convey key messages, present case studies, and facilitate interactive activities within a limited timeframe.
    4. Inclusivity and Engagement: promotes inclusivity by providing all participants with an equal opportunity to contribute to the discussion, encourages active engagement from diverse stakeholders, including those with varying levels of expertise in internet governance, thereby enriching the overall conversation and enhancing the quality of insights shared.

    Policy Question(s)

    A. How can multi-stakeholder collaboration be strengthened to develop shared principles and norms for internet governance, particularly in countering disinformation and hybrid warfare?
    B. What strategies and mechanisms are most effective in enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect against hybrid threats in the digital realm, while also ensuring the protection of individual rights and freedoms?
    C. How can international cooperation be fostered to promote information sharing and capacity-building initiatives aimed at countering disinformation and promoting digital resilience, especially in regions vulnerable to hybrid warfare tactics?

    What will participants gain from attending this session? 1. Understand the importance of collaboration among governments, the private sector, and civil society in shaping the evolution and use of the internet to promote peace and sustainable development.
    2. Learn about innovative approaches and best practices in internet governance, particularly in the context of countering disinformation and promoting digital resilience.
    3. Gain a deeper understanding of the challenges posed by hybrid warfare and the ways in which internet governance can mitigate its impact on societies.
    4. Acquire practical strategies for strengthening cybersecurity measures, enhancing media literacy, and promoting international cooperation to address hybrid threats in the digital realm.
    5. Explore opportunities for leveraging technology and digital innovation to build resilience against hybrid warfare and advance sustainable development goals.


    Title: Unraveling the Web: Combatting Hybrid Warfare Through Digital Resilience
    In the age of digital interconnectedness, the phenomenon of hybrid warfare presents unprecedented challenges to global peace, development, and sustainability. The Center for Strategic Communication and Countering Disinformation from Moldova is at the forefront of efforts to mitigate the impact of hybrid warfare by enhancing digital resilience and fostering a collaborative approach to internet governance.
    This workshop will delve into the multifaceted dimensions of hybrid warfare and explore innovative strategies to counter its disruptive effects on societies. Drawing upon Moldova's experiences and best practices, the session will examine how governments, the private sector, and civil society can work together to develop shared principles, norms, and decision-making procedures that shape the evolution and use of the internet in a manner that safeguards against hybrid threats.
    Key topics to be discussed include:
    1. Understanding the landscape of hybrid warfare in the digital age.
    2. Strengthening cybersecurity measures to protect against hybrid attacks.
    3. Enhancing media literacy and critical thinking skills to combat disinformation.
    4. Promoting international cooperation and information sharing to address hybrid threats.
    5. Leveraging technology and digital innovation to build resilience against hybrid warfare.
    Through interactive discussions and case studies, participants will gain valuable insights into practical approaches for enhancing digital resilience and countering hybrid warfare in their respective contexts. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, this workshop aims to contribute to a more secure and sustainable digital future for all.

    Expected Outcomes

    Expected Outcomes:
    1. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of internet governance in promoting peace, development and sustainability.
    2. Knowledge Sharing of best practices in internet governance, cybersecurity, and countering disinformation.
    3. Practical Strategies and tools for strengthening digital resilience, enhancing cybersecurity measures, and promoting international cooperation.
    4. Collaborative Action among governments, the private sector, and civil society in developing shared principles and norms for internet governance that contribute to peace, development, and sustainability.
    Specific Outputs:
    1. Policy Recommendations for enhancing internet governance frameworks to address the challenges posed by hybrid warfare and disinformation campaigns, with a focus on promoting peace and sustainable development.
    2. Best Practices Publication shared during the session, along with case studies and practical insights.
    3. Follow-up Events focused on internet governance and countering disinformation, both at the national and international levels, to continue the momentum generated during the IGF annual meeting.

    Hybrid Format: Hybrid Format, both onsite and online, would allow speakers to present and engage with attendees in person.
    - Dedicated Moderator, responsible for managing the flow of the session and facilitating interaction between onsite and online participants is crucial.
    - Interactive Q&A Sessions, can help foster engagement and dialogue between speakers and participants, regardless of their physical location.
    - Polling and Surveys, can provide opportunities for audience feedback and participation, enabling both onsite and online participants.
    - Online Collaboration Tools, such as virtual whiteboards, chat rooms, and breakout sessions can enhance interaction and collaboration among participants.
    - Live Streaming and Recording it for later access allows remote participants to join the session in real-time or view it at their convenience.