Organization's Website
Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: The roundtable format for this open forum aims to involve participants from diverse professional backgrounds to reflect together on how to use European standards and evolving practices to advance equality, including gender equality, and inclusion in the design and deployment of AI systems. The set-up can enable all participants to hear the views of representatives of groups most often affected by discrimination and bias, as well as women affected by AI technologies such as biased algorithms that reinforce gender inequalities or deepfakes, and engage in sharing good practices, expertise and brainstorming on ways forward in joint partnership.
Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: The roundtable format for this open forum aims to involve participants from diverse professional backgrounds to reflect together on how to use European standards and evolving practices to advance equality, including gender equality, and inclusion in the design and deployment of AI systems. The set-up can enable all participants to hear the views of representatives of groups most often affected by discrimination and bias, as well as women affected by AI technologies such as biased algorithms that reinforce gender inequalities or deepfakes, and engage in sharing good practices, expertise and brainstorming on ways forward in joint partnership.
The session will offer participants in situ and viewers worldwide opportunity to discuss what measures should be taken to operationalise safeguards and remedies against discrimination in use of AI systems, and engage with groups most at risk and equip human rights supervisory bodies.
The Study on the impact of artificial intelligence systems, their potential for promoting equality – including gender equality - and the risks they may cause in relation to non-discrimination adopted by the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) and the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion of the Council of Europe (CDADI) in 2023, and numerous other studies have highlighted the risks that AI systems pose to equality, including gender equality, and non-discrimination, online and offline, in a variety of sectors. These range from employment, through the online targeted distribution of job adverts, to the provision of goods or services in both the public and private sectors such as online loan applications, or to public security policies or the fight against fraud. For example, the report Bias in Algorithms from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights shows how easily speech detection algorithms can be biased against certain groups.
The groups that are most affected by bias in AI systems are very often the same groups and individuals as those at risk of discrimination in society. These groups, as well as women, also experience structural inequality, and struggle to meaningfully participate in forums that develop, deploy and regulate new digital technologies and promote inclusion in AI.
The CoE and EU are jointly building the capacity of equality bodies and representatives of groups most affected by discrimination, including by biases in AI systems. The EU and CoE want to provide them with a platform at IGF to share their experiences, and engage in the governance of AI, including sharing ideas on how to ensure sufficient safeguards against discrimination and access to effective remedies.
CoE study on impact of Artificial intelligence:…
FRA study on Bias in Algorithms:…
The session will commence with a short introduction to the Council of Europe and EU standards and how these organisations work with member states and other key stakeholders to implement them, showing some concrete tools and examples of advancing equality, including gender equality, and inclusion in the use of AI systems. Among the opening speakers will be a representative of CSO partners affected by discrimination in society and by entrenched in biases in AI systems, as well a representative of women’s organisations advocating for gender equality in technology, and representative(s) of equality bodies. The introduction will continue with a 50-minute discussion with all participants to explore other examples of tools and practices that seek to enhance inclusion of groups effected by biases in AI systems and means to advance equality protection in AI deployment, including through use of regulation, practical approaches and multi-stakeholder cooperation. During the session short interactive questions (e.g. with the use of Mentimeter) will seek to motivate and involve in-person and online participants. The online moderator will facilitate the online chat session and raise comments in the in-situ meeting or invite online participants to take the floor if technically feasible.
The session will commence with a short introduction to the Council of Europe and EU standards and how these organisations work with member states and other key stakeholders to implement them, showing some concrete tools and examples of advancing equality, including gender equality, and inclusion in the use of AI systems. Among the opening speakers will be a representative of CSO partners affected by discrimination in society and by entrenched in biases in AI systems, as well a representative of women’s organisations advocating for gender equality in technology, and representative(s) of equality bodies. The introduction will continue with a 50-minute discussion with all participants to explore other examples of tools and practices that seek to enhance inclusion of groups effected by biases in AI systems and means to advance equality protection in AI deployment, including through use of regulation, practical approaches and multi-stakeholder cooperation. During the session short interactive questions (e.g. with the use of Mentimeter) will seek to motivate and involve in-person and online participants. The online moderator will facilitate the online chat session and raise comments in the in-situ meeting or invite online participants to take the floor if technically feasible.
🔒Council of Europe
• Menno Ettema, Council of Europe, Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence • Sara Haapalainen, Council of Europe, Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence • Yanna Parnin, Council of Europe, Gender Equality Division • Nienke van der Have, EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).
• Menno Ettema, Council of Europe, Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence • Sara Haapalainen, Council of Europe, Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence • Yanna Parnin, Council of Europe, Gender Equality Division • Nienke van der Have, EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).
• Academic, member of the Committee of Experts on AI, Equality and non-discrimination of the Council of Europe - in person
• Tbc, representative of CSOs from the anti-discrimination field - in person
• Tbc, representative of a women’s organisation - in person
• Tbc, representative of equality bodies
• Nienke van der Have, EU Fundamental Rights Agency - in person
Onsite Moderator
Sara Haapalainen, Council of Europe, Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence
Online Moderator
Menno Ettema, Council of Europe, Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence
Yanna Parnin, Council of Europe, Gender Equality Division
5. Gender Equality
Targets: The digital world expands progressively connecting society and individuals, engaging more of their time, and responding to more of their needs. Ensuring respect of human rights in combating discrimination and assessing the potential role of AI in relation to these phenomena is crucial. Combined, these efforts contribute to the emergence of a culture of peace and cooperation, conducive to social and economic development. Protecting human rights in the use of AI systems has a definite impact on ensuring gender equality and eradicating poverty, providing quality education and reduce inequalities, build sustainable cities and communities, ensure durable peace, effective justice and strong institutions, and harness partnerships for the SDG Goals.
Targets: The digital world expands progressively connecting society and individuals, engaging more of their time, and responding to more of their needs. Ensuring respect of human rights in combating discrimination and assessing the potential role of AI in relation to these phenomena is crucial. Combined, these efforts contribute to the emergence of a culture of peace and cooperation, conducive to social and economic development. Protecting human rights in the use of AI systems has a definite impact on ensuring gender equality and eradicating poverty, providing quality education and reduce inequalities, build sustainable cities and communities, ensure durable peace, effective justice and strong institutions, and harness partnerships for the SDG Goals.