Organization's Website
Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: The session will rely on a curated number of interventions representing different stakeholders involved in the internet governance discussions in both the GDC and WSIS. The roundtable format allows for a better exchange among panelists. One hour is the appropriate duration to address complementarities between the Compact and WSIS+20 and to elaborate further on possible solutions and landing points.
Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: The session will rely on a curated number of interventions representing different stakeholders involved in the internet governance discussions in both the GDC and WSIS. The roundtable format allows for a better exchange among panelists. One hour is the appropriate duration to address complementarities between the Compact and WSIS+20 and to elaborate further on possible solutions and landing points.
The IGF represents an important forum to engage with stakeholders before Member States' negotiations that will take stock of the achievements and decide on the next steps for the World Summit on Information Society.
In the Global Digital Compact, Member States reaffirmed their commitment to the outcomes of WSIS reflected in the Geneva Declaration (2003) and the Tunis Agenda (2005).
It also invited to identify how these processes and forums can support the contribution of all stakeholders to the implementation of the Compact.
The session will provide an opportunity to touch upon the Compact's implementation map and to exchange views on how to tap into synergies between the Compact and the upcoming WSIS+20.
It will give participants a chance to hear the latest developments from institutional panelists and reflect on how we can make sure that WSIS and GDC actions are adhered to and monitored actively.
In sum, the Open Forum will seek to stress the demand-side of WSIS and GDC by listening to the needs of advocates and users.
The moderator will give the floor to online participants for questions or replies. As the meeting begins, we will share a feedback form with both on-site participants (hard copy) and online attendees (form) to crowdsource ideas and proposals on how to build on synergies between GDC and WSIS+20. The last 15 minutes of the session will be for Q&A from the audience, and online participants will get a chance to engage with panelists and exchange views. Tooling: we will use Google Forms/Microsoft forms to poll attendees and, if time allows, Mentimeter or other live-polling tool to get immediate feedback
The moderator will give the floor to online participants for questions or replies. As the meeting begins, we will share a feedback form with both on-site participants (hard copy) and online attendees (form) to crowdsource ideas and proposals on how to build on synergies between GDC and WSIS+20. The last 15 minutes of the session will be for Q&A from the audience, and online participants will get a chance to engage with panelists and exchange views. Tooling: we will use Google Forms/Microsoft forms to poll attendees and, if time allows, Mentimeter or other live-polling tool to get immediate feedback
United Nations, Office for Digital and Emerging Technologies
United Nations WG DT
United Nations WG DT
Opening remarks by Co-Chair of the UN Working Group for Digital and Emerging Technologies and rotating UNGIS Chair
- Senior Representative, ITU
- Senior Representative, UNESCO
Roundtable moderated by Co-Chair of UN Working Group for Digital and Emerging Technologies (UN ODET)
- Representative from Member State (e.g. Lithuania, Kenya - Co-Facitators of WSIS Modalities)
- Representative from internet governance technical community (e.g. ICANN, ISOC)
- Representative from private sector (e.g. ICC or other relevant industry association)
- Representative from youth group (e.g. IGF Youth)
- Representative from users, e.g. MSMEs
The full list of names will be made available in the public-facing website when confirmed. Geographical and gender balanced will be respected.
Onsite Moderator
Filippo Pierozzi
Online Moderator
Filippo Pierozzi
Isabel De Sola Criado
1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: Both WSIS and the Global Digital Compact are anchored in a development perspective. WSIS+10 review and the GDC have the Sustainable Development Goals as a Compass, alongside respect for human rights for the latter. The contribution is hence across all the SDGs in the measure in which every specific action (lines) contributes to a specific area. Most notably, the entire initiative shall accelerate partnerships for the goals, reduce inequalities and poverty by accelerating connectivity, and enabling users to use technology in a meaningful and rights-respecting way in both their work and everyday life. This Session seeks to complement possible proposals reflecting on WSIS+20 and GDC implementation, respectively. In the interest of non-duplication and efficiency, it can be merged with other sessions (if any) who address the synergies between the initiatives at hand.
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: Both WSIS and the Global Digital Compact are anchored in a development perspective. WSIS+10 review and the GDC have the Sustainable Development Goals as a Compass, alongside respect for human rights for the latter. The contribution is hence across all the SDGs in the measure in which every specific action (lines) contributes to a specific area. Most notably, the entire initiative shall accelerate partnerships for the goals, reduce inequalities and poverty by accelerating connectivity, and enabling users to use technology in a meaningful and rights-respecting way in both their work and everyday life. This Session seeks to complement possible proposals reflecting on WSIS+20 and GDC implementation, respectively. In the interest of non-duplication and efficiency, it can be merged with other sessions (if any) who address the synergies between the initiatives at hand.