Organization's Website
Duration (minutes): 90
Format description: This session will have a panel of 4 or 5 (1 speaker is still tbc) distinguished and knowledgable speakers regarding cloud computing. We want to make it interactive by setting the scene and asking questions to the panel. Thereafter we willen open the floor for questions from the audience.
Duration (minutes): 90
Format description: This session will have a panel of 4 or 5 (1 speaker is still tbc) distinguished and knowledgable speakers regarding cloud computing. We want to make it interactive by setting the scene and asking questions to the panel. Thereafter we willen open the floor for questions from the audience.
Cloud computing underpins modern economies, yet its concentration among a few dominant providers raises critical concerns about digital autonomy, security, and regulatory compliance. While European countries are primarily dependent on U.S.-based hyperscalers (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud), Asia presents a more diverse landscape and also use services from cloud providers as Alibaba and Tencent.
Only few countries have managed to build a strong domestic cloud ecosystem, leaving many other countries to have become dependent of these large cloud providers. Some countries are looking into option to become less dependent and are promoting domestic growth by data localization policies, regulatory frameworks, strengthening national cloud initiatives and local technology partnerships.
During the workshop we aim to ensure that governments understand (national) security and strategic dependencies from these cloud providers. And which regulatory mechanisms can effectively be adopted to ensure data protection (where necessary) while maintaining the benefits of cloud efficiency and scalability. Finally we will touch upon the question whether national governments should invest in sovereign cloud initiatives, or whether investments in the cloud market should be left to the market.
So by the end of the workshop, participants will gain a deep understanding of global cloud dependencies and possibilities to develop actionable strategies for strengthening their digital autonomy in an open manner. This is particularly relevant for policymakers, IT leaders, cybersecurity professionals, and regulatory experts working on cloud governance.
During this hybrid session we will make use of interactive tools to engage with the audience by for example mentimeter. We have onsite and online speaker(s) and will ensure all have equal time to speak, also leaving ample time for quesitons and further engagement with the audience.
During this hybrid session we will make use of interactive tools to engage with the audience by for example mentimeter. We have onsite and online speaker(s) and will ensure all have equal time to speak, also leaving ample time for quesitons and further engagement with the audience.
Ministry of Economic Affairs
Alisa Heaver, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government, WEOG (Organizer, Onsite Rapporteur) Jenna Fung, program Director NetMission Asia, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group (Moderator)
Alisa Heaver, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government, WEOG (Organizer, Onsite Rapporteur) Jenna Fung, program Director NetMission Asia, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group (Moderator)
Jenna Fung, program Director NetMission Asia, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group (Confirmed, Onsite - Moderator - female, youth IGF coordinator)
Anke Sikkema, Deputy Director Digital Economy, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government - WEOG (confirmed, onsite - speaker - female)
Marietje Schaake, Non-Resident Fellow, Cyber Policy Center Standford University, Civil Society/Academia, WEOG (confirmed, online speaker)
Wisdom Donkor, IT Manager Ghana National Information Technology Agency and Ghana IGF/NRI Coordinator, Government, African Group (Confirmed, speaker - male)
Agustina Brizio, MPA Candidate at UCL Digital Technologies and Policy, Civil Society/Academia, Latin American and Caribbean Group (Confirmed, onsite - speaker - female)
Microsoft speaker to be confirmed - stakeholdergroup private sector
Onsite Moderator
Jenna Fung, program Director, NetMission Asia
Online Moderator
Alisa Heaver, sr. Policy Advisor, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Alisa Heaver, sr. Policy Advisor, Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Targets: In general cloud computing supports SDG 9 by providing scalable, cost-effective digital infrastructure that drives innovation, enhances connectivity, and promotes sustainable industrial growth.
Targets: In general cloud computing supports SDG 9 by providing scalable, cost-effective digital infrastructure that drives innovation, enhances connectivity, and promotes sustainable industrial growth.