Organization's Website
Duration (minutes): 90
Format description: Theater is requested due to administrative, technical and logistical reasons since we shall be showing current video resources on Digial Cooperation between different countrries women's groups. Posters in an Exhbition fomr and standups shall also be displayed too. Live sessions of Digital Cooperation using AI and Interactives tools are proposed/ too.We also expect the Session to draw large audiences from the indusry, academiia and the civil socoety groups; and therefore this is the most appropriate infrastrucre. 90 miniutes duration is requested for fostering dialiogue and regional cooperation between different diverse groups.
Duration (minutes): 90
Format description: Theater is requested due to administrative, technical and logistical reasons since we shall be showing current video resources on Digial Cooperation between different countrries women's groups. Posters in an Exhbition fomr and standups shall also be displayed too. Live sessions of Digital Cooperation using AI and Interactives tools are proposed/ too.We also expect the Session to draw large audiences from the indusry, academiia and the civil socoety groups; and therefore this is the most appropriate infrastrucre. 90 miniutes duration is requested for fostering dialiogue and regional cooperation between different diverse groups.
The Session shall discuss opportunities, challenges and solutions for Digital Cooperaiton. The role of Digital Cooperation in human development has been well established in a series of academic research; yet it is still a work in process given the access, affordabilty and robust digtial infrastructure in the underserveed areas home to some of the most vulnerable poor people across the global. Therefore there is a need to discuss and evolve a new road map for evolving a new road map for digital cooperation especially amongtst the vulnerabale women. New strategies need to be built on the earlier work done so far in Asia and West Africa that shall be showcased too at the Sessiion. The Session is proposed in a highly interactive and action-oriented mode.
We shall also be inviting a host of different stakehiolders from the UK Internet Governance Forum, ITU, UNESCO and other Civil Society Govt. groups to contribute to the session virtually since many of them would not be able to travel. Therefore we shall set up a robust infrastructure and connectivity; apart from ensuung backend coordination and follow-up for ensuring maximum particnpation in the hybrid mode. We shall be using Online Dgital tools for receiving the questions from the participants and sharing them with the Onsite and Online Moderators for ensuring a seamless dialogue.
We shall also be inviting a host of different stakehiolders from the UK Internet Governance Forum, ITU, UNESCO and other Civil Society Govt. groups to contribute to the session virtually since many of them would not be able to travel. Therefore we shall set up a robust infrastructure and connectivity; apart from ensuung backend coordination and follow-up for ensuring maximum particnpation in the hybrid mode. We shall be using Online Dgital tools for receiving the questions from the participants and sharing them with the Onsite and Online Moderators for ensuring a seamless dialogue.
Datamation Foundation Charitable Trust
Datamation Foundation Charitable Trust -- a member of the Internet Society is proposing this Open Forurm at the IGF 2025 in partnership with leading African Groups working in bridging the Digital Diviide and Digital Equality.
Datamation Foundation Charitable Trust -- a member of the Internet Society is proposing this Open Forurm at the IGF 2025 in partnership with leading African Groups working in bridging the Digital Diviide and Digital Equality.
ITU, UNESCO, ISOC Chapters, Civil Society Organizations shall constitire main Regional Group of Speakers. Few members from Norway and other European countries Digital Infrastriucture shall be drafted as Speakers too.
Onsite Moderator
Online Moderator
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Targets: Sustainable cooperation shall reduce inequalities among the women collectives by working in an interactove copperatopn mode. Learning from earlier regional digiital cooperation fostered amongst different countries shall ensure in improved Industrial Innovation and Infrastructure viz. the Industry shall learn from the deliberations of the session what are the best digital interacture platforms to be built in the future and what sort of futuristic infrastriucture deploying machine and himan learning AI and other digital tools is needed for fostering improved digital cooperation. Sustaimable digital cooperation shall ensire meeting the unmet long pending challenges for justice, peace and the dire need to have strong institutions.
10. Reduced Inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Targets: Sustainable cooperation shall reduce inequalities among the women collectives by working in an interactove copperatopn mode. Learning from earlier regional digiital cooperation fostered amongst different countries shall ensure in improved Industrial Innovation and Infrastructure viz. the Industry shall learn from the deliberations of the session what are the best digital interacture platforms to be built in the future and what sort of futuristic infrastriucture deploying machine and himan learning AI and other digital tools is needed for fostering improved digital cooperation. Sustaimable digital cooperation shall ensire meeting the unmet long pending challenges for justice, peace and the dire need to have strong institutions.