MAG 2013

  • Mr. Aizu, Izumi
    Tokyo, Japan - Senior Research Fellow and Professor, Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University
  • Ms. Aguerre, Carolina
    Buenos Aires, Argentina - General Manager, Latin America and Carribean TLD Association (LACTLD)
  • Mr. Al Shatti, Qusai
    Kuwait City, Kuwait - Deputy Chairman, Kuwait Information Technology Society
  • Ms. Alexander, Fiona
    Washington, DC, USA - Associate Administrator,National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Mr. Amessinou, Kossi
    Bissau, Benin- Manager for IT, Ministry of Development, Economic Analysis and Prospective
  • Mr. Ataho, Collins
    Kampala, Uganda - Internet Technical Support, Orange Uganda
  • Ms. Bommelaer, Constance
    Geneva, Switzerland- Director, Public Policy, Internet Society (ISOC)
  • Mr. Brueggeman, Jeff
    Washington DC, USA - Vice President - Public Policy and deputy Chief Privacy Officer, AT&T
  • Ms.  Cambronero, Fátima
    Argentina - Lawyer, AGEIA DENSI Argentina- Argentina Study Group & Academic Research Association in Law, Economy and Business at Information Society
  • Ms. Cavalli, Olga
    Buenos Aires, Argentina - Adviser for technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Carvell, Mark
    London, United Kingdom - Special Adviser and Executive Coordinator, Global Internet Governance Policy, Department for Culture, Media and Sport
  • Ms.Chalmers, Susan
    Wellington, New Zealand- Policy Lead, InternetNZ
  • Mr. Chen, Hongbing
    China, Counsellor- Chinese Government
  • Ms. Cretu, Veronica
    Chisinau, Moldova – President, CMB Training Center
  • Ms. Chaturvedi, Subi
    New Delhi, India - Assistant Professor /Hon. Managing Trustee, Lady Shri Ram College For Women, Delhi University/Media For Change
  • Ms. Das, Ankhi
    Facebook India Head of Public Policy Private Sector Indian Female ICC BASIS
  • Ms. del Castilho, Angelic
    Suriname, Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Suriname
  • Mr. Dengo, Manuel
    Geneva, Switzerland  - Ambassador Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations Office at Geneva
  • Mr. Disspain, Chris
    Carlton, Australia - Chief Executive Officer, .AU Registry
  • Mr. Drake, William
    Geneva, Switzerland - International Fellow and Lecturer, Media Change and Innovation Division, IPMZ, University Zurich
  • Ms. Ebenmelu, Nkiru
    Nigeria, Nigerian Communications Commission, Manager
  • Mr. Echeberría, Raúl
    Montevideo, Uruguay - Executive Director/CEO, Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC)
  • Mr. Esmat, Baher
    Cairo, Egypt - Manager - Regional Relations Middle East, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
  • Ms. Esterhuysen, Anriette
    Johannesburg, South Africa - Executive Director, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
  • Ms. Fell, Lucinda
    London, United Kingdom - Director of Policy and Communication, Childnet
  • Mr. Filip, Ondřej
    České Budějovice, Czech Republic - Chief Executive Officer, CZ.NIC
  • Mr. Guo, Liang
    Beijing, China - Director of the China Internet Project and Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
  • Ms. Hassan, Ayesha
    Paris, France - Senior Policy Manager, Digital Economy, Executive in charge of ICT Policy, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • Mr. Iqbal, Qadir Zafar
    Islamabad, Pakistan- Secretary, Ministry of Information and Technology (MoIT) of the Government of Pakistan
  • Ms. Kelly, Sanja
    New York, USA - Project Director, Freedom on the Net, Freedom House
  • Ms. Kultamaa, Mervi
    Helsinki, Finland - Counsellor, Department for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Mr. Major, Peter
    Geneva, Switzerland - Special Adviser, Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations Office at Geneva
  • Ms. Mangal, Anju
    Suva, Fiji - Information and Knowledge Management Specialist/Coordinator, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
  • Mr. Milashevsky, Igor
    Moscow, Russia,  Advisor to the RF Minister of Telecommunications and Mass Media Government
  • Mr. Moedjiono, Sardjoeni
    Jakarta, Indonesia - National ICT Council Executive Team Member, Indonesia
  • Ms. Morenets, Yuliya
    Strasbourg, France - Founder and Representative, TaC -Together against Cybercrime
  • Mr. Musi, Ala
    China – Alibaba Group's senior adviser
  • Mr. Mustala, Tero
    Tuusula, Finland - Principal Consultant, Nokia Siemens Networks
  • Ms. Nalwoga, Lillian
    Kampala, Uganda - President, Internet Society Uganda/Collaboration on International IT Policy in East and Southern Africa
  • Ms. Neves Amoroso, Ana Cristina
    Lisbon, Portugal - Director of the Information Society Department at the Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Education and Science in Portugal
  • Ms. Okite, Judith
    Nairobi, Kenya - Internet Governance Coordinator, Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa Dynamic Coalitions on Disability and Accessibility
  • Mr. Ostrowski, Igor
    Warsaw, Poland -
  • Mr. Olufuye, Jimson
    Abuja, Nigeria - CEO Kontemporary/ Vice-Chairman WITSA
  • Mr. Pedraza Barrios, Ricardo
    Bogota, Colombia - Director Business Development - Global Public Policy and Government Relations, VeriSign Colombia SAS
  • Mr. Philippot, Jean Paul
    Brussels, Belgium - President, European Broadcasting Union (EBU); CEO, Radio Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française (RTBF)
  • Mr. Quaynor, Nii
    Accra, Ghana - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Network Computer Systems; President, Internet Society Ghana
  • Mr. Radunovic, Vladimir
    Belgrade, Serbia - Coordinator, Internet Governance Programmes, DiploFoundation
  • Mr. Rendek, Paul
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Director of External Relations, Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)
  • Mr. Ryan, Patrick
    California, USA - Policy Counsel, Open Internet, Google Inc.
  • Mr. Samakande, Felix
    New York, USA - Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe to the United Nations Office at New York
  • Ms. Seltzer, Wendy
    New Haven, USA - Technical Team Privacy Identity policy, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
  • Mr. Soboutipour, Shahram
    Tehran, Iran - Director of International Affairs, Iranian ICT Guild Organization (IIG)
  • Mr. Spiller, Thomas
    Brussels, Belgium - Vice President, Global Public Policy, Europe, Middle East and Africa, The Walt Disney Company
  • Ms. Swinehart, Theresa
    Washington, DC, United States - Executive Director, Global Internet Policy, Verizon Communications
  • Mr. Wilson, Paul
    Brisbane, Australia - Director General, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)
  • Ms. Zachariah, Desiree
    Antigua and Barbuda - Country Based Specialist, Antigua and Barbuda, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

    Former Host Countries on MAG 

  • Azerbaijan
  • Brazil
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Lithuania