Participate in IGF 2025 Parliamentary Track

The Internet Governance Forum's traditional parliamentary track includes a series of activities to facilitate a dialogue with members of parliaments from all parts of the world about the most pressing public digital policy issues.
The IGF 2025 Parliamentary Track will include several activities focused on various Internet governance issues. These include regional consultations hosted at regional IGFs as well as a roundtable at the 20th annual IGF meeting. The consultations will be hosted in a hybrid format, allowing onsite and online participation. A number of online preparatory activities will be hosted in between these consultations.
The 20th annual Internet Governance Forum is hosted by Norway in Oslo from 23 to 27 June 2025.
Through this form, members of parliaments are invited to express their interest in participating and supporting the IGF 2025 Parliamentary Track.

Proposer Details
To find the explanation of the regions, please click here.
If you are interested in participating in parliamentary activities alongside regional IGFs, please select which ones.
I am interested to participate in parliamentary activities at the 20th annual IGF meeting in Oslo, Norway.
In your Parliament, are you engaged with any working groups or committees related to Internet governance?
In case you plan on participating at the regional IGF(s), would you need travel support?
In case you plan on participating at the annual IGF, would you need travel support?
I understand that the Head of my Parliament will receive an official invitation for the Parliament to participate in the IGF 2025 and its 20th annual IGF meeting in Oslo, Norway (23-27 June 2025)