Policy Network on Environment Coordination Session: Future of PNE

    Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (11:45 UTC) - Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (12:45 UTC)
    Ballroom A
    About this Session
    PNE Session

    Moderator: Flurina Wäspi (on site)

    At this Session, we invite anyone to join who would like to share their thoughts on future PNE projects and direction. Suggestions for topics to cover include:

    • From Policy Recommendation to Policy Implementation: How to encourage interaction with the report?
    • On Content: What should the focus of the PNE be in 2022?
    • On Output: What kind of output would you like to implement?
    • Important reference documents / initiatives to collaborate with in 2022?
    • What did you like about the PNE 2021?

    You are welcome to provide your feedback at any time in the Mural linked below:

    Future of the PNE Consultation

    We are looking forward to meeting you in the Session or receiving your feedback via the Mural.

    Thank you!