A report produced by the UN General Assembly Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Working Group on Improvements to the IGF called for the development of more tangible outputs to ‘enhance the impact of the IGF on global Internet governance and policy’. To enrich the potential for IGF outputs, the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) developed an intersessional programme intended to complement other IGF activities, such as national and regional IGF initiatives, dynamic coalitions, and best practice forums (BPFs). The outputs from this programme are intended to become robust resources, to serve as inputs into other pertinent forums, and to evolve and grow over time.
The topic “Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion” was chosen for the 2015 intersessional work after an earlier public consultation during the preparatory process for IGF 2015. In order to continue the valuable intersessional work, a theme the 2016 IGF programme of activities is expected to be determined during/immediately following the next IGF in November 2015 by the global IGF community. The theme is intended to reflect topical issues and to increase support to national and regional IGF initiatives, dynamic coalitions, and BPFs.
Theme: Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion
Technological advancement in connectivity expanded broadband access and mobile penetration in recent years. Three billion people were connected to the Internet by the end of 2014. In spite of the progress achieved, more effort is necessary in order to connect the next billion and to address the digital divide.
The identification of strategies to improve connectivity is timely due to the ongoing process of reviewing the outcomes of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS+10) and the discussion of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Collaboration between governmental and non-governmental actors is key to meet this challenge and the mutistakeholder nature of the IGF makes it a privileged space for discussion.
To compile “Policy options for Connecting the Next Billion”, rounds of online public consultations are currently being conducted. Following the example of the IGF best practice forums, an open and bottom-up process is envisioned to collect input.
Draft outputs will be produced and further discussed, both online and during the IGF 2015 (10-13 November, João Pessoa, Brazil). The output will also be shared with relevant fora (e.g. WSIS+10, UNCTAD, UNESCO, etc.), and the goal is for it to provide a resource for anyone looking for ways to increase connectivity – one of the main goals of the WSIS. The output may serve as input to the community in order to help select a proposed theme for 2016 intersessional work.
Updated Timeframe as of 8 September
- 2 Sept – 29 Sept: Draft skeleton compilation reviewed by open editorial group, including at September IGF Open Consultations and MAG meeting (Paris). IGF Secretariat further develops the draft. IGF community invited to submit additional background contributions until 3 October. After 3 October additional contributions will only be accepted from National and Regional IGFs, IGF Best Practice Forums and Dynamic Coalitions.
- 29 Sept – 16 Oct: Updated version of draft compilation 'Policy Options' made available on IGF website and opened for public comment on the review platform.
- 16 Oct – 26 Oct: IGF Secretariat further updates draft ‘Policy Options’ compilation paper based upon further submissions received and public comment period.
- 26 Oct: Final draft output/updated version of ‘Policy Options’ compilation paper made available on IGF website.
- 10 – 13 Nov: Presentation and discussion of the "Policy Options" compilation during IGF meeting in Brazil.
- Post-IGF: "Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion" incorporates input from IGF Brazil, published and shared with relevant fora (WSIS+10, UNESCO, UNCTAD, OECD, etc.). Documents/work space continue to evolve (based on support and value).
How to join:
To stay informed on developments pertaining to the IGF's wide array of intersessional activities, please join the intersessional mailing list.
The deadline for submitting background contributions was 3 October. Submissions after 3 October will only be accepted from National and Regional IGF Initiatives, IGF Best Practice Forums, and IGF Dynamic Coalitions. National and Regional IGF Initiatives, IGF BPFs and DC's can submit contributions by writing to Brian Gutterman ([email protected]) and Anja Gengo ([email protected])
Stakeholders are invited to comment on the rolling draft of the compilation document using the IGF review platform, here.
A full list of background contributions published can be found under "List of Contributions".
If you have any comments, queries or feedback regarding this intersessional work, please contact:
Constance Bommelaer ([email protected])
Anja Gengo ([email protected])
Brian Gutterman ([email protected])
Review platform:
Draft Overview and Outline 'Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion' as of 8 September:https://www.intgovforum.org/content/policy-options-connecting-next-billion-3
Draft outline and skeleton as of 8 September: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aogcq3iqzBRKTRSQlGAuSRvMi8c4rF1GgASoK5vhQbk/edit?pli=1