Sutkus, Valdas

Mr. Valdas Sutkus is a President of Lithuanian Business Confederation | ICC  Lithuania,  representing the main service trade and high-tech oriented companies and business associations in Lithuania, a national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce. Confederation represents over 1500 companies and 16 business associations. Its members contribute to Lithuanian economy by producing over 20%  of Lithuania‘s GDP and over 10 %  of  Lithuania‘s labour places.

Mr. Sutkus is also a Deputy Director General at "Fima" JSC, a leading developer of intelligent engineering solutions in Lithuania. Mr. Sutkus has 20 years of combined experience in coporate management, public relations and journalism. Previously Mr. Sutkus worked as a Chief Executive Manager of the Association of Lithuanian Trade Companies as well as Deputy Chief Editor  at the largest Lithuanian daily newspaper “Lietuvos rytas” and Director of Corporate Affairs at the concern “MG Baltic”. He has also served as a consultant to the President of the Republic of Lithuania for business development in 2003 -2004.

Mr. Sutkus holds a degree majoring in telecommunications and electronics from Kaunas University of Technology.