Suto, Timea

As part of the Digital Economy policy team at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Timea Suto works with global business experts to bring private sector views into activities and decisions of ICC’s Business Action to Support the Information Society (BASIS) initiative. Among her different responsibilities, she leads policy input and project work on the Internet governance forum and enhanced cooperation, having served on the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (2016-2018).

ICC is the largest, most-representative global business organization and only private sector body to have official Observer status to the United Nations General Assembly. During the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), ICC convened and facilitated business input and through ICC BASIS, it has continued to bring input and support engagement from business into the post-WSIS activities, whether at the UN and its various agencies or via multistakeholder activities such as the Internet governance forum (IGF). BASIS facilitates business participation and input into these activities while also bringing in views from the wider membership of ICC companies and associations from 120 different countries.

A national of Romania and Hungary, Ms Suto has policy and academic experience from Budapest and Paris. Prior to her role at ICC she has served as policy analyst for various social policy and open governance projects in the Visegrad countries and in evolving research and teaching roles.
Ms Suto has a degree in International Relations and masters degrees in Minority Policy and European Public Policy. She speaks fluent Hungarian, Romanian, English and French.