African Regional Group

 Current record of the existing national IGFs in the African regional group:

National IGFs in African Regional Group

Name About Annual Meeting Information     Annual Report
Benin IGF

Benin IGF was established in 2012 year.

The Forum serves as a multistakeholder framework for different stakeholders in Benin to discuss issues related to Internet governance. 

   6-10 July 2021,
Cotonou, Benin   

Botswana IGF

This national IGF was established in 2019.

Its main purpose is to create a multistakeholder platform for the Botswana community to discuss the Internet governance issues of priority.

8-9 July 2021,
Gaborone, Botswana
Burkina Faso IGF National IGF of Burkina Faso was organized in 2014. 

It aims for creating an open, multistakeholder platform for the Burkina Faso community to discuss the Internet governance pertaining matters.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 
Cameroon IGF

Cameroon IGF was established in 2017 year.

Its main objective is to create a unique platform for the multistakeholder community of Cameroon to discuss the Internet Governance matters of relevance.

Doulala, Cameroon

Cabo Verde IGF 

Cabo Verde IGF was recognized in 2021.

It aims at providing a collaborative space for the national multistakeholder community to gather and discuss issues on Internet governance of people's priority.

23 June 2021,
Praia, Cabo Verde
Chad IGF

Chad IGF was organized in 2012 year.

The main objective of this IGF is to create an opportunity for a multi-stakeholder dialogue on public policy issues on Internet governance. 

26 June 2021,
N'Djamena, Chad

Côte D'Ivoire IGF

National IGF of Côte D'Ivoire was established in 2020.

Its main goal is to create a multistakeholder platform for open and inclusive discussion of Internet governance issues.

16-18 June 2021,
Abidjan, Côte D'Ivoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo IGF

The DRC IGF was established in 2017.

Its main objective is to allow for this national IGF's respectful community to engage in the discussion on the relevant issues pertaining to the Internet Governance.

Kinshasa, DRC
Gabon IGF

National IGF of Gabon was established in 2015.

It aims at building a national platform for strengthening the Internet and connecting the community of Gabon to regional and global processes of relevance.

TBC 2021
The Gambia IGF

The national IGF of Gambia was recognized in 2018.

Through a multistakeholder approach, this national IGF creates a process for its respective community to discuss issues pertaining to the Internet governance.

Banjul, The Gambia
Ghana IGF

Ghana IGF was established in 2014 year.

The overall goal of this national IGF is to provide a unique space for different stakeholders from this respective community to share information, develop a dialogue and provide recommendations on key Internet issues.

Accra, Ghana

Kenya IGF

Kenya IGF was created in 2008.

This IGF aims to serve as a national platform for policy dialogue on issues related to Internet governance.

21-24 September 2021,
Nairobi, Kenya

Madagascar IGF

Madagascar IGF was recognised in 2020. 

It aims to facilitate a multistakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance matters of the community's priority.

Series of online sessions. The first one is hosted on 11 August 2021.
Malawi IGF Malawi IGF was established in 2015 year.

Its main objective is to create a discussion enviroment for all stakeholders from this respective community to engage in work on Internet governance related issues.
TBC 2021  
Mauritius IGF

Mauritius IGF was established in 2017.

It fosters policy dialogue among stakeholders on issues of Internet governance, and offers a unique space for an amazing range of people to share information and develop solutions on key Internet issues.

11-12 November 2021,
Port Louis, Mauritius 
Mozambique IGF

Mozambique IGF was organized in 2014 year.

This IGF aims to increase the ability of different stakeholders in this respective country, to identify and discuss issues related to the Internet.

Initiative inactive.  
Namibia IGF

Namibia IGF is established in 2017.

It serves to its respective community as a multistakeholder forum for discussing the issues on Internet Governance.

TBC November 2021, 
Windhoek, Namibia
Nigeria IGF 

Nigeria IGF was established in 2013 year.

This IGF Initiative is aimed at providing a sustainable National Forum and structure that engages industries, Government, lawmakers, the academia, civil society and all other stakeholders, in a strategic national debate on Internet governance.

 30 September 2021, hosted online
Rwanda IGF

Rwanda national IGF has been established in 2014.

It serves as a Forum for engaging all stakeholders into the discussion on the Internet governance related issues.

28-29 July 2021, hosted online
Senegal IGF

Senegal national IGF was established in 2017. 

The main objective of this Initiative is to serve the need of their respective community in organizing a multistakeholder forum for discussing the Internet Governance matters, that are of interest.

TBC 2021
Sierra Leone IGF

Sierra Leone national IGF was recognized in 2020. 

It aims at establishing a multistakeholder platform for this country's respected community to discuss Internet governance matters of priority.

26-28 June 2021,
Freetown, Sierra Leone
South Africa IGF

National IGF of South Africa was organized in 2016 year.

It serves as a unique space to bring different stakeholder groups to discuss issues related to Internet governance from the perspective of their respective community.

TBC 2021

South Sudan IGF

National IGF of South Sudan was established in 2019.

This initiative serves as a multistakeholder forum for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet Governance in South Sudan.

2 June 2021,
Juba, South Sudan
Sudan IGF

National IGF of Sudan was established in 2018. 

Its main objective is to create a multistakeholder platform through which the respective community of Sudan can discuss matters pertaining to Internet governance.

TBC 2021
Tanzania IGF

Tanzania national IGF was established in 2018.

Its main goal is to provide a multistakeholder discourse for discussing the Internet governance pertaining matters.

11-15 October 2021,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Togo IGF

Togo national IGF was established in 2015 year.

The mission of this IGF is to bring different national stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues relevant to their respective community.

15-16 July 2021,
Lomé, Togo
Tunisia IGF

Tunisia national IGF was organized in 2012 year. 

This national IGF creates a space for a multistakeholder and inclusive discussion about relevant Internet issues in Tunisia, as well as about global Internet issues.

25-26 June 2021,
Tunis, Tunisia
Uganda IGF

Uganda IGF was established  in 2006 year.

The objectives of this national IGF are firstly to recognize relevant Internet governance issues in Uganda and to build a consensus on national and regional positions around relevant issues, as well as to raise awareness about various Internet governance related issues, especially among vulnerable users. 

     5-7 July 2021,
Kampala, Uganda
Zambia IGF

Zambia national IGF was established in 2019.

It is an open and inclusive space for dialogue on Internet governance issues of relevance to people in Zambia.

10-11 July 2021,
Lusaka, Zambia
Zimbabwe IGF

Zimbabwe national IGF is launched in 2015 year.

As a multistakeholder forum for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet Governance in Zimbabwe, it brings together all stakeholders in the Internet governance debate, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process.

TBC 2021

Note: The above information are being published as received.

In case you would like to organize a national IGF, or to engage in any of the existing ones, please contact the IGF Secretariat at: agengo[at]unog[dot]ch.
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