Policy Network on Artificial Intelligence (PNAI)


Global multistakeholder effort on AI 

The Policy Network on Artificial Intelligence (PNAI) addresses policy matters related to the governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The primary goal is to foster dialogue, exchange practices and contribute to the global AI policy discourse. PNAI is a global multistakeholder effort hosted by the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, bringing together data governance experts, stakeholders and changemakers from across the world. It provides an open platform to share and develop expertise, insights, and recommendations. 

PNAI is uniquely positioned to provide a global and multidisciplinary view on AI and data governance. The UN Secretary-General's Report Our Common Agenda explicitly calls for the input and advice of the multistakeholder community on addressing advanced technologies, including AI. PNAI shares the community’s expert knowledge and contributes to global AI policymaking dialogues, processes and consultations.

Building on the previous AI discussions

PNAI’s work started in 2023, delivering a report on AI and data governance at the 18th annual IGF meeting in Kyoto. 

PNAI builds upon previous discussions and the wealth of knowledge within the IGF community on issues relevant to AI and at the request of the IGF community. The Messages of the 17t Annual IGF meeting held in Addis Ababa conclude: “IGF could be used as a platform for developing cooperation mechanisms on artificial intelligence. A policy network on artificial intelligence could be considered for the upcoming work streams in order to review the implementation of different principles with appropriate tools and metrics.”



Participation in and contribution to PNAI are open to everyone.


Maikki Sipinen ([email protected])

In support of   SDGs