Cassa, Concettina

Concettina Cassa has been working for AgID (Agency for Digital Italy of Prime Minister Office) since 1999.  She has been involved in several ICT project related to the diffusion of information technologies in Italian Public Administrations.
From 1999 to 2004 she was appointed project manager of RUPA (Rete Unitaria della Pubblica Amministrazione), the network infrastructure connecting more than 15.000 sites of the italian Public Administration offices.
From 2004 to 2008 she was appointed project manager of RIPA (Rete Internazionale della Pubblica Amministrazione), the international network infrastructure connecting italian embassies and cultural institutions spread all over the world. She was also involved in several project related to IoT, Cloud and smart metering.
As responsible of the Internet Governance project, which she has been appointed to in 2015, she participated to ICANN 52, ICANN 55 and ICANN 56 as GAC observer.  She also participated to EuroDIG 2016 and 2017 as Italian government representative.
She is member of HLIG (High Level Group on Internet Governance). She pushed cooperation between Italian government and DiploFoundation for the adoption of Italian digital watch platform.  She was NRI italian government representative at IGF 2017.
She was involved in developing the empowering NGI (Next Generation Internet) proposal for the Horizon 2020 work program and was member of IGF Italia 2017 Committee.
She is also member of AgID Artificial Intelligence task force.
From 1987 to 1998 she worked for the following private companies.
Lucent Technologies (Rome, 1997-1998) - Technical Sales Support for Intelligent Network solutions.
Olivetti Ricerca (Naples, 1992–1997) – Interoperability and Conformance testing of ISO compliant communication platforms (X.400, X.500, etc.).
Italtel Sistemi (Rome, 1991–1992) – Telco “Intelligent Network” acceptance testing at Telecom Italia.
AT&T –Bell Labs (Columbus, OHIO/USA, April-September 1991) – End-to-end testing of the Intelligent Network.
AT&T –Bell Labs (Hilversum, Netherlands, August 1990-March 1991) - Training on AT&T 5ESS switching technologies.
Italtel Sit (Milan, 1987-1990) - SW development and testing of the Italian national packet switched data network (ITAPAC).
She holds a master degree in Computer Science (University of Bari, 1987).