IGF 2020 High-Level Leaders Track: Social Development

    Monday, 16th November, 2020 (15:40 UTC) - Monday, 16th November, 2020 (17:10 UTC)
    Room 1

    In emergency situations, such as various natural and other forms of disasters, people’s lives, cultures ‎and our planet overall, are affected. These situations can completely stop some regular life dynamics. ‎For example, people are unable to work, schools are forced to close, and cultural institutions can be ‎affected to the extent that they are inaccessible or not fit for purpose. Our overall environment can ‎change in these unprecedented conditions. However, the power of digital technologies shows that ‎even in these challenging times, people can continue to thrive. For example, traditional forms of ‎education or work transition to digital. This session will look into roles digital technologies and digital ‎innovation could play for social development in various aspects, such as education, agriculture and ‎industry, to name the few; as well as into specificities of digital inclusion and development of ‎solidarity-based digital policies.‎

    Moderator: Ms. Ibtissem Bedjaoui, Algerian national TV
