The IGF 2021 process will include a preparatory and engagement phase implemented in the lead-up to the 16th annual IGF hosted by the Government of Poland in Katowice from 6-10 December 2021. The programme of the IGF 2021 develops around its issue areas. Different types of sessions, proposed predominantly by the multistakeholder networks from different parts of the world, after being evaluated, are incorporated in the schedule.

All sessions accepted into the programme, by session type, are available as follows:

Special Tracks:

The preparatory and engagement phase draft schedule is available, including access links to sessions.

The Interactive Schedule is now available.

Below is the 16th IGF draft schedule. Updates to the current versions are still possible. 

*Note: times displayed in the 16th IGF schedule correspond to the local time in Katowice (Central European Time)

All IGF 2021 participants are required to register, regardless if they will participate online or onsite.