MAG Workshop Review and Evaluation Process for IGF 2017


Stage 1: Initial Screening by IGF Secretariat                             

Why:    To remove any proposals that do not satisfy minimum criteria
Who:    IGF Secretariat
When:  Completed by one week after proposal deadline

All proposals must meet the minimum criteria listed below. Proposals that do not objectively satisfy minimum criteria will be declined.

  • MAG members may not themselves submit workshop proposals, but their institutions may do so;
  • The subject matter of the workshop proposal must be of direct relevance to Internet Governance and to the overarching theme, ‘Shape Your Digital Future!’;
  • Proposal must be complete and ready for consideration, with all fields of the proposal submission form completed;
  • Every proposed session should have at least three provisionally confirmed speakers. A provisionally confirmed speaker is defined as “a speaker who has been contacted, and expressed interest and intent to participate”. The Secretariat and MAG understand that at the early proposal stage, it is difficult for most speakers to confirm their attendance at the IGF and participation in a given workshop. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure proposers are in contact with the speakers they include and have some preliminary consent from the speakers to list them in their proposal;
  • Proposers who held a workshop at previous IGFs were required to have submitted a workshop report after the meeting. The proposer must provide a link to this workshop report in their new proposal for IGF 2017. Proposals submitted by those who held workshops in the 2015 or 2016 IGFs, but who failed to file a workshop report afterwards, will be declined;
  • There will be an assessment of how many sessions a speaker is listed on. In order to encourage the inclusion of a greater number of speakers at the IGF, any given speaker will only be featured in a maximum of three sessions. If a speaker appears on more than three accepted sessions, they will ask them to choose three and relinquish their speaking roles in any others. It is therefore recommended that workshop proposers ask their speakers if they are speaking in other workshops, and if so, how many, at the time they invite speakers and seek confirmations;
  • No more than 3 proposals from any individual or institution will be accepted for consideration. 

MAG members will have the opportunity to review and discuss declined proposals.

The initial screening will be completed by: 8 May 2017, one week following the close of the Call for Proposals.


Stage 2: MAG Evaluation

Why:    To select a subset of the proposals according to the number of session slots available during the IGF event, the finalization of which will take place during an in-person MAG meeting
Who:    Individual MAG members
When:  Completed by 29 May 2017, Synthesis document prepared by Secretariat by 5 June 2017

Following the initial screening, the IGF Secretariat will circulate the workshop proposals to MAG members for individual evaluation. Each proposal will be evaluated by a group of 12 MAG members evenly representing the different stakeholder groups. Aside from consideration made of the MAG member’s stakeholder affiliation, the grouping is random. The MAG’s workshop evaluation process should be: fair, transparent, inclusive, practical, and efficient.

In evaluating workshop proposals, each MAG member will grade the proposal on the following criteria, giving each criterion a score from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest):

  1. Relevance: Is the proposal relevant to Internet Governance and to the IGF main theme for that year? In other words: Does the proposal highlight the importance of the issue?
  2. Content: Is the proposal well thought out and does it cover enough aspects of the issue(s) of interest? Is the main Internet governance issue clearly spelled out? Background papers with the aim of informing the content are welcomed, but not a screening requirement.
  3. Workshop Proposer and Speaker Diversity: Are the proposers first-timers? Do they come from a developing country or under-represented region? Is the list of speakers diverse enough (in terms of gender, geography, stakeholder group, policy perspective, and/or persons with disabilities)? Are the speakers qualified to tackle the topic? Are there speakers from developing countries? Are there speakers/organizers who are first-timers?
  4. Format: Is the session description consistent with the format listed (for example, if the format is Debate, then does the proposal describe how the debate will be set up, with timings, etc., indicated; are all sides of the issues represented)?

MAG members who do not have expertise in a particular field or who feel they may have a conflict of interest are not obliged to rate a proposal, which will then be re-routed to another member. If a MAG member rates a proposal 3 or below, he or she must provide a reason for doing so, as feedback for the workshop proposers whose workshops are declined. Proposer names will not be given to MAG members when evaluating (they will be anonymized), but indication will be provided if the proposer is a first-time proposer or from a developing country.

The overall average score from 1 to 5 should mean the following in terms of ranking the session:

  • 5: An excellent proposal.
  • 4: A good proposal overall, although could be enhanced.
  • 3: An average proposal.
  • 2: A weak proposal.
  • 1: Does not meet criteria.

Upon receiving the MAG member scoring, with a target date of 29 May 2017, the Secretariat will prepare a synthesis of the evaluation for MAG members by 5 June 2017, in preparation for the in-person meeting on 12-14 June 2017 (TBC). The total score for each proposal will be the mean average of the grades received by MAG members. Proposals will be rank ordered and accepted according to available space.


Stage 3: MAG discussion, identification of merger candidates, and finalization

Why:    to determine the final programme
Who:    MAG members and IGF Secretariat
When:  MAG Meeting on 12-14 June 2017 (TBC)

Before and during the June meeting, MAG members will look at the results to ensure an overall balance of the themes/topics. It is possible that for certain proposals, which scored just below the threshold of space and availability, the MAG will discuss whether to ask the proposers to make improvements to overcome deficiencies. Proposers will then be contacted and asked to submit a revised proposal.

In some cases, the MAG will receive workshop proposals that propose the same issues, topics and format. Due to constraints in space, these similar workshops will be invited to collaborate and “merge” together. In this case, the workshop proposers will be contacted by the IGF Secretariat. In the event that the proposers decline to collaborate the workshop slot can be lost.

Following the merger process and other necessary arrangements, the IGF programme will then be finalized. 












Open call inviting workshop proposals

17 March-3 May

7 weeks


Secretariat organizes and sends proposals to MAG for evaluation

4-8 May

5 days


MAG workshop evaluation

9-29 May

3 weeks


Secretariat synthesis and evaluation of workshop results

30 May-5 June

1 week


MAG reviews analysis, paying particular attention to regional and stakeholder balance

6-12 June

1 week


MAG meets to select final workshops

12-14 June

3-day meeting