Evolution of Internet Governance

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IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #17 ICANN and Capacity Building in the Underserved Regions

Title:  ICANN and Capacity Building in the Underserved Regions” 

Presenter:  Lito Ibarra (ICANN Board) 

Short Description:  This Session will describe the ICANN capacity building work in Underserved Regions; especially focussed on enhancing understanding of governments on the Domain Name System (DNS) and ICANN.  It will invite contributions on how this work might develop for the benefit of the wider Internet Community. 


IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #7 Growing the #InternetFreedomAfrica Research and Advocacy Community

Since 2014, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has convened the annual Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) to provide a pan-African space where discussion at the global level can be consolidated at Africa-wide level, drawing a large multi-stakeholder audience of actors from within and beyond the continent.

IGF 2018 LIGHTNING SESSION #1 Towards NetMundial +5: What happend with the Sao Paulo Declaration

The Lightning session will look into the follow up of the NetMundial Multistakeholder Conference and the Sao Paulo Declaration from 2014. It will call to kick start am evaluation process of the Sai Paulo document to prepare a review Meeting "NetMundial+5" in connection with the 14th IGF in Berlin, November 2019, Presenter: Prof.

IGF 2018 OF #5 Measuring a free, open, rights based and inclusive Internet

Having completed a two-year global multi-stakeholder consultation process on defining Internet Universality Indicators including one workshop discussion conducted at IGF 2017, UNESCO takes the occasion to present the final outcome of the indicators framework and engage further with IGF stakeholders on how to promote R.O.A.M principles (Rights, Openness, Accessibility, Multi-stakeholderism) in global Internet gover

IGF 2018 WS #324 “The Open, Free Internet” is for EVERY stakeholder

Additional Speakers

Speaker 3: Guy Berger, Intergovernmental Organization, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Speaker 4: Lillian Nalwoga, Technical Community, African Group

Speaker 5: Olivier Bringer, Intergovernmental Organization, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Moderator: Mariko Kobayashi, Business Sector, Asia Pacific region(APAC)


Overview: How can we discuss issues such as censorship, Internet Shutdown or contents blocking from a positive perspective  “The Open, Free Internet”? 

- Introduction[10min]: A moderator briefly introduces experts to the participants and explain background issues.

- Part1[40min]:  
We invite experts from various stakeholder such as a business sector, a tech community, an intergovernmental organization, and a civil society, and each of them will share what kind of benefits does  "The Open, Free Internet" bring for their stakeholder. At the end of this part, a moderator summerize topics which discussed and use it for discussion of part2.

- Part2[30min]:
This part focuses on to discuss outreach for policymakers, regulators, and executives. We will include several people from governments and how to build a dialogue.

- How can we appeal the benefits above to policymakers and executives by cooperating across stakeholders and reflect it to actual ICT policy?
- Is there any idea which you plan to work on or a case study that worked well?

- Wrap up[10min]  :
Summarize the discussion and discuss how to output them to the public.


IGF 2018 WS #224 The Past, the Present and the Future for Multi-stakeholderism

Additional Speakers

Markus Kummer, ICANN(Retired), WEOG


1. Evolution of the governance model of the Internet - reviewing the multistakeholder model of the Internet and gauging its future direction to make the place open and secure for all. 

2. Reviewing the newly emerging governmental models and related institutions regarding the Internet governance.  

IGF 2018 WS #191 Truth or dare : how to reconcile internet and journalism ?

Additional Speakers


Elisa Lees Munoz. (@IWMF) Elisa is the IWMF’s Executive Director. She leads the organization to achieve its mission to support women journalists to develop their careers by providing training, tools and assistance to achieve gender equity and so that they can work as safely as possible.  Elisa enhances the IWMF’s brand, and delivers the annual Courage in Journalism and Lifetime Achievement Awards She has grown the IWMF by expanding its programs into new geographies, such as Latin America, the Great Lakes Region of Africa; introducing new initiatives such as the IWMF’s work on behalf of photojournalists and a focus on physical, online and emotional security; partnering with organizations who support female journalsits; and driving communications and outreach to expand our mission.  She is a frequent spokesperson and author on issue at the intersection of gender and the news media. Elisa has been dedicated to social justice since graduating from the University of Maryland with degrees in International Relations.  Before joining the IWMF, Elisa led the Crimes of War Education Project and before that was an election monitor for the OSCE in the Balkans and monitored the human rights of scientists for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Speakers :

Joy Wathagi Ndungu (@wathagindungu) is the Vice President/ Co-founder at Digital Grassroots and is the Lead Coordinator for the East Africa Youth Internet Governance Forum. She is also the current Google Policy Fellow at Paradigm Initiative where she is working on a Digital Rights Project. In 2017 she was an Internet Society Fellow for the Youth@IGF Program. She was part of the 2018 Mozilla Open Leaders Program and she continues to work on Digital Rights in Africa in various capacities. Wathagi majors in International Law at the University of Nairobi where she is undertaking a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B).

Swati Chaturvedi (@bainjal) is an award winning print and broadcast journalist who has worked for The Statesman, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times and Zee news. Her first book, Daddy’s Girl, a murder mystery was published by Penguin Random House in September 2016. Her second, a non-fiction investigation was published in December 2016 to international acclaim. “I am a Troll - Inside the BJP’s secret digital army” has received wide coverage for it’s investigation into how the party in power is paying to abuse citizens in a democracy. Swati is a columnist with Gulf News and NDTV.com. She does regular investigative stories for TheWire.com. She lives and works in New Delhi, India.

Christophe Deloire (@cdeloire) is the Secretary General for Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontières (RSF), an international non-governmental organization defending press freedom and access to information with more than 30 years of accomplishments. Thanks to its unique global network of local correspondents investigating in 130 countries, 13 national offices and a consultative status at the UN and UNESCO, RSF is able to have a global impact, gather on-the-ground information, conduct major advocacy campaigns, and assist and defend news providers all across the world.

Christophe Deloire will be introducing RSF’s report “Online harassment of journalists: the trolls attack", and RSF’s Journalism Trust Intitiative (JTI) to fight disinformation online and restore journalism trust.

Amy Awad. Amy is the Manager of Legislative and Regulatory Policy (Broadcasting and Digital Communications) at Canadian Heritage. Her team examines issues related to Canadians’ transition to the digital world including online disinformation. She previously worked at Employment and Social Development Canada where she was involved in the negotiation and implementation of labour provisions in Canada’s free trade agreements. Prior to joining the government, she was a litigator for the Ontario Nurses’ Association and worked at a national human rights and advocacy organization. Amy holds degrees in software engineering and law including a masters in law and technology from the University of Ottawa. She articled at the Supreme Court of Canada.

IGF 2018 WS #275 Before you know it, Internet governance will be irrelevant

The decentralized and distributed nature of the Internet made it possible to reach a historical global interconnectedness. There is a danger however that the distributed nature disappears or weakens. In the last years more and more traffic moved to Cloud Providers and from there get delivered to Internet end users via various Content Distribution Networks. (Refer to Huston blog on this issue, referenced below) If this trend continues then more and more traffic flow will bypass the public Internet (transit and Internet Exchange Points). If just a handful of global companies exchange the majority of the traffic in the world then technical standards bodies such as the IETF might become irrelevant and policies from the Internet governance processes might become ineffective. Only few actors will have incentives and the power to get involved with the standard setting at the Internet architecture level. All in all we will see fewer actors that can get engaged with Internet governance and the bottom up, global Internet governance might slowly be replaced by few corporations standards and rules. Policy questions: 1. What policy issues does the death of transit create? 2. What policy recommendations can overcome this issue?

Additional Speakers

Christian Kaufmann, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
 Geoff Huston, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG) (remote)


IGF 2018 WS #65 East-West Commitment as Multi-stakeholders

Additional Speakers

Louis Pouzin, Civil Society, consultant, EUROLINC

Wolfgang Kleinwächter, academic community, European Group

Wolfgang Kleinwächter is a Professor Emeritus for International Communication Policy and Regulation from the University of Aarhus in Denmark and since 2016 a Commissioner in the Global Commission on Stability in Cyberspace (GCSC).

He is involved in Internet Governance issues since the early 1990s. He was member of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG/2003-2005), Special Adviser to the chair of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF/2005-2010) and member of the UNCSTD IGF Improvement Working Group (2010-2012). He is involved in ICANN since 1998 where he was a member of the ICANN Board of Directors (2013 – 2015), chaired the Nominating Committee (NomCom) and represented the Non-Commercial User Constituency (NCUC) in the GNSO Council (2011- 2013). He is also a co-founder of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EURODIG), the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET) and the ICANN Studienkreis.

In 2009, the Council of Europe appointed him to chair the Cross-Border Internet Expert Group. In the EU, he chaired the Coordination Committee of the European Interregional Information Society Initiative/IRIS (1994-1998), the Internet Governance Sub-Group of the EU Task Force on the Internet of Things/IOT (2010-2012)) and the evaluation team of EUs Safer Internet Action Program/SIAP 2005-2007). From 2007 to 2012 he was a member of the Steering Board of the EU-FP7 research project “Next Generation Internet/EURO-NF”. He was also the Special Ambassador of the NetMundial Initiative (NMI) from 2014 – 2016.

In the academic world, Wolfgang Kleinwächter served from 1988 to 2012 as a voting member of the International Council of the “International Association for Media and Communication Research” (IAMCR), where he chaired for more than ten years the IAMCR Law Section. He is the founder and chair of the “European Summer School on Internet Governance” (EURO-SSIG), is member of various Editorial Boards of academic journals, has testified in hearings in the Deutsche Bundestag and the European Parliament and has published and edited more than 200 articles and 12 books. In 2012, he got the “Internet Award” from the German Internet Economy Association (eco).



1. Moderator’s opening remarks (2mins)

2. Speeches

Subject: East-West Multi-stakeholder Model: Experience, Practice and Global Consensus for the Future.

Speaking Time Limits: 5 mins /per speaker. (25 min)

3. Discussion: among speakers 30 (mins)

4. Discussion: among speakers and participants (30 mins)

5. Conclusion: 3 mins.