
Explore Dynamic Coalitions

Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability

Users of telecommunications and information technology have a varied capability of handling information and the controls of their presentation. The source of this variation lies in cultural and educational backgrounds, as well as on age-related functional limitations, in disabilities, and in other natural causes. 

Learn More--IGF DCAD Page --DCAD Website

Selected Outputs -- DCAD Accessibility Guidelines

Join -- DCAD Mailing List-- DCAD Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies

The blockchain discussion is gaining great political momentum as it lies at the very nexus of the core issues we face in the 21st century: Internet policy (identity, trust, reputation, privacy and security), the Internet of Things (and corresponding implications for responsive architecture, smart cities, self-organizing and autonomous entities), government and corporate accountability, challenges to traditional oversight mechanisms and the adaptation of legal paradigms to distributed architecture, emergent monetary/economic policy and challenges to loss of sovereignty of central banks, financial inclusion and fair access for the developing world, new metrics of value for information economies that transcend GDP measures of market growth, deployment of P2P commons-based production, and local coordination and scalable development of new social and incentive structures. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-Blockchain Page

Selected Outputs -- A Primer on Cryptosecurities -- How Blockchains Can Support, Complement or Supplement Intellectual Property

Join -- DC-Blockchain Mailing List -- DC-Blockchain Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Assurance and Standardization

Blockchains are a promising technology with the potential to transform many industries. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed before blockchain solutions can reach their full potential. The DC-BAS has established working groups that supports and are aligned with the UN-SG Global Digital Compact goals to develop standardization and assurance goals for blockchain technology. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-BAS Page

Join -- DC-BAS Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Children's Rigths in the Digital Environment

More and more children and young people globally are becoming digital citizens, accessing the internet to learn, communicate and play. While the internet can be a wonderfully positive tool for them, it also exposes them to risks, and therefore need to be addressed at global, regional and national levels to ensure all children can benefit safely from the opportunities that internet and associated technologies can bring. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-Children Page

Selected Outputs -- Children's Dignity and Children's Rights in the Digital World

Join-- DC-Children Mailing List -- DC-Children Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity

Community networks have the potential to promote sustainable Internet connectivity and foster the full enjoyment of fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and self-determination. International cooperation can foster synergy and coordination amongst different community networks. Such cooperation may be particularly useful in order to identify:

  • best practices for the development and maintenance of community networks.
  • sustainable organisational and financial models for community networks.
  • efficient software and hardware technology. 

Learn More -- IGF DC3 Page

Selected Outputs -- Declaration on Community Connectivity -- Community Networks: the Internet by the People, for the People

Join -- DC3 Mailing List -- DC3 Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values

What is the Internet? What makes it what it is? What are its architectural principles? What are the core values? And what is happening to the core values in the process of its evolution? What is it that needs to be preserved and what changes are inevitable? What does the Internet Community say about what can’t be changed? How could changes and improvements be brought about without compromising the core values? How would the different positions between stakeholders be reconciled to commit to core Internet values? 

Learn More -- IGF DC-CIV Page

Selected Outputs -- Focus on Freedom from Harm

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Dynamic Coalition on Data and Artificial Intelligence Governance

The Dynamic Coalition on Data and Artificial Intelligence Governance (DAIG) aims at fostering discussion of existing approaches to data and AI governance, promoting analysis of good and bad practices to identify what solutions should be replicated and which ones should be avoided by stakeholders to achieve a sustainable an effective data and AI governance.

Learn More -- IGF DC-DAIG Page

Join -- DC-DAIG Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust

The Dynamic Coalition on Data and Trust encourages an inclusive policy dialogue among all stakeholders who are interested in exploring issues of data and trust in the online environment, and the extent to which actors in one segment of the ecosystem can take effective actions to curb abuse in other segments.

Learn More -- IGF DC-DT

Join -- DC-DTMailing List:(To post to this group, send email to giovanni.seppia[at]eurid.eu)

Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies

The Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies (DC-DDHT) addresses global technological trends in health science and industry.

Learn More -- IGF DC-DDHT

Join -- DC-DDHTMailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Digital Financial Inclusion

In today’s interconnected world, financial inclusion has emerged as a critical pillar of sustainable development and equitable growth. The Dynamic Coalition on Digital Financial Inclusion is dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges of financial exclusion. This coalition aims to bridge the gap between technological advancements in finance and the segments of society still alienated from these developments, recognizing that access to financial services, facilitated by open and interoperable protocols, offer the potential to connect existing, diverse financial systems and to build new solutions from the ground up. This is the foundation for inclusive economic participation and growth.

Learn More -- IGF DC-DFI Page

Join -- DC-DFI Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Digital Health

COVID-19 has brought to focus the importance of using technology for healthcare delivery at all levels, be it primary, secondary, or tertiary care. It is time that healthcare systems across the globe adopt and incorporate Internet and Internet-based technologies across the continuum of care. The Dynamic Coalition on Digital Health is not just timely but critical to showcase and enhance the role of the Internet and the Internet of things in digital health. This will aim to boost the adoption of digital health to make healthcare become affordable, effective, and outcome-driven, with patient centricity as its overarching theme. 

Learn More -- DC-Digital Health Page

Join -- DC-Digital Health Mailing List -- DC Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on the Digital Economy

This Dynamic Coalition on Digital Economy (formerly Internet & Jobs- DC- Jobs) is the culmination of the need for sustainable and responsible automation and the potential of the Internet and Internet-based technologies to create jobs and boost economies across the world. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-Digital Economy Page

Join -- DC-Digital Economy Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on DNS Issues

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a component of critical Internet infrastructure that must be protected and advanced. There exists the opportunity for a DC on DNS Issues to build unique and constructive dialogue on DNS issues that complements, but does not duplicate or compete with, work undertaken within ICANN and the IETF. Examples include: Building support for the universal acceptance of Domain Names and internationalized Domain Names; Promotion of and awareness raising around Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC); and reviewing mechanisms to minimize Internet fragmentation from emerging regulations such as those on privacy, data localization, and data access. These issues impact Internet users on a global scale and are well-suited for multistakeholder discussion within the IGF environment. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-DCNSI Page

Selected Outputs -- DC-DNSI Presentation to the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) -- DC-DNSI 2019 Objectives & Work Plan

Join -- DC-DNSI Mailing List -- DC-DNSI Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Environment

The DCE is multistakeholder cooperation hub for everyone interested in matters related to intersections of environment and digitalization. Its work builds on the achievements made through the IGF's Policy Network on Environment and its report.

Learn More -- IGF DCE Page

Selected Outputs -- PNE Report 

Join -- DCE Mailing List 

Dynamic Coalition on Gaming for Purpose

With the new age of gaming in web 3.0 coming along, it is high time we move gaming from a primary purpose of entertainment to a place where it meets a purpose and entertainment. This coalition is – ‘Gaming for purpose – G4P’. G4P is a growing movement that is using gaming to address real-world challenges and make a positive impact on society.

Learn More -- IGF DC-G4P Page

Join --DC-G4P Mailing List -- DC-G4P Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance

Access to the Internet is extremely important for women to be able to gain information which may not be available to them otherwise. This can help achieve the full realisation of their rights, especially in cases of women from marginalised communities. The Internet can also function as a harbinger of citizenship rights, bridging their right to be informed with the duty of governance institutions to inform them. A rights-based approach to Internet governance is the only safeguard for women to fully enjoy the benefits of the Internet. 

Learn More -- IGF DCGIG Page

Selected Outputs --An Internet for #YesAllWomen? Women's rights, gender and equality in digital spaces--Gender Report Cards IGF 2020

Join -- DCGIG Mailing List -- DCGIG Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Innovative Approaches to Connecting the Unconnected

According to estimates, only 3.1 billion of the 7.3 billion world inhabitants were connected to the Internet as of July 2015. The adoption problem is particularly acute in Africa and Asia, where adoption rates continue to lag behind the global average. Of equal concern are the facts that in recent years, the growth rate of Internet users has started to flatten and that women and other segments of the population are often excluded from Internet connectivity. This Dynamic Coalition consolidate,s extend, and shares the work undertaken by the IGF 'Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s)' (CENB) initiative by collecting and disseminating information about practices that have proven effective in improving broadband adoption. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-Connecting the Unconnected Page

Join -- DC-Connecting Mailing List -- DC-Connecting Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things

Since the 2008 IGF in Hyderabad, the Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things (DC-IoT) has engaged in open meetings at all following IGFs and at meetings in between IGFs on the usefulness of Internet of Things, its necessity to help address global and local societal challenges, and the challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure the Internet of Things is developing in a way that serves people around the globe. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-IoT Page

Selected Outputs-- DC-IoT Good Practice Paper - 2018

Join -- DC-IoT Mailing List -- DC-IoT Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on the Interplanetary Internet

The Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG), a US 501c3 non-profit organization affiliated with the Internet Society has been actively working to facilitate the work of the Interplanetary Internet from 1998 (https://www.ipnsig.org/).

Today, IPNSIG has more than 1000 members across the globe involving space agencies (government), academia, technical community, private sectors and civil society across the globe, to facilitate a common, open and shared network environment even in space. In 2023, IPNSIG released a report laying out recommendations on governance of how the Interplanetary Internet ecosystem can be realized which can be used as a basis for future discussions at the “Dynamic Coalition on the Interplanetary Internet”.

Learn More -- IGF DC-Interplanetary Page

Join -- DC-Interplanetary Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights & Principles

The main work of the IRP Coalition has been to translate existing human rights to the internet environment to build awareness, understanding and a shared platform for mobilisation around rights and principles for the internet. Our flagship document, the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet covers the whole gambit of human rights drawing on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other covenants that make up the International Bill of Human Rights at the United Nations. 

Learn More -- IGF IRPC Page

Selected Outputs -- Charter of Human Rights & Principles for the Internet[Arabic][Chinese][English][Farsi][German][Portuguese][Spanish][Turkish]

Join -- IRPC Mailing List -- IRPC Contacts

Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition

The Internet Standards, Security and Safety Coalition (IS3C) brings together key stakeholders from the technical community, civil society, policymakers, regulators, corporate and individual adopters, with the shared goal of making online activity and interaction more secure and safer.

Learn More -- IGF IS3C

Join -- IS3C Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators

The Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality Indicators (DC-IUI) seeks to engage with all countries and all stakeholders worldwide to promote free, open and accessible Internet for all and provide a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration. The coalition will serve an umbrella platform for facilitating collaboration on countries’ alignment to UNESCO’s ROAM principles via national assessments and implementation of recommendations to harness Internet and advanced technologies’ potential to achieve the 2030 sustainable development agenda.

Learn More -- IGF DC-IUI

Join -- DC-IUI Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Measuring Digital Inclusion

UNESCO, together with its key partners, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP) and others, launched the Dynamic Coalition on Measuring Digital Inclusion to apply good evidence-based approaches and digital measurement frameworks for advancing inclusive digital governance and transformation towards gender-inclusive digital ecosystems. As a key component of inclusive digital governance and transformation, gender equality stands as a foundational principle within the proposed Dynamic Coalition's objectives. Recognizing the pervasive gender disparities that persist in digital access, literacy, and participation, the Coalition commits to integrating gender perspectives into all facets of its initiatives.

Learn More -- IGF DC-Digital Inclusion Page

Join -- DC-Digital Inclusion Mailing List 

Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality

Network Neutrality is an appealing and multifaceted expression which encompasses several areas and may give rise to misinterpretations. At its core, the notion of network-neutrality determines the extent to which Internet traffic management practices may be regarded as legitimate, insofar as they do not restrict end-users’ access to content, applications and services in a discriminatory fashion and can deemed as consistent with the full enjoyment of human-rights. 

Learn More -- IGF DCNN Page

Selected Outputs -- Net neutrality reloaded: zero rating, specialised service, ad blocking and traffic management-- Zero Rating Map

Join -- DCNN Mailing List -- DCNN Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Open Educational Resources

Digital transformation for education is a reality and for supporting inclusive knowledge societies, we need to work together on mainstreaming open educational content and platforms. With the support of the IGF community, the Open Educational Resources Dynamic Coalition will facilitate advocacy, knowledge sharing and capacity building in all action areas of the OER Recommendation.

Learn More -- IGF DC-OER Page

Join -- DC-OER Mailing List

Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility

Online platforms, such as social networks and other interactive online services, give rise to transnational “cyber-spaces” where individuals can gather and express their personalities imparting and receiving information and ideas. By reason of their transnational dimension as well as of their private nature, online platforms are regulated through contractual provisions, unilaterally established by the platforms’ providers and enshrined in the platforms’ Terms of Service (ToS). The concept of “platform responsibility” aims to stimulate behaviour in line with the principles laid out by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, focusing on the responsibility of private corporations to respect human rights and to grant an effective grievance mechanism. 

Learn More -- IGF DCPR Page

Selected Outputs -- Platform regulations: how platforms are regulated and how they regulate us

Join -- DCPR Mailing List -- DCPR Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries

Public libraries that offer innovative and ICT-enabled services based on free public access to the Internet can contribute to positive change in their communities and support development goals in vital areas including health, agriculture, employment, education and children and youth at risk. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-PAL Page

Selected Outputs -- DC-PAL Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion

Join -- DC-PAL Mailing List -- DC-PAL Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance

Schools on Internet Governance (SIGs) have been around for over a decade. Having started with the
European School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) in Meissen Germany, the schools have spread
around the world. Though different in numerous ways, the SIGs all go under a similar name and have much to share with each other. There is no other forum where the SIGs can gather together and work on sharing
techniques, curricula, and educational innovations. Forming the Dynamic Coalition creates a space
where SIGs can work together, share, and improve the education offered by the schools.

Learn More -- IGF DC-SIG Page

Join -- DC-SIG Mailing List -- DC-SIG Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy

Found in the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS (Africa, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea) regions, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), which number fifty two at last count, and which comprise approximately sixty million inhabitants, are seeking a greater voice, with a higher level of volume in the international discourse - especially that relating to Information & Communication Technology and Critical Resource Management Policies. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-SIDS Page

Join -- DC-SIDS Mailing List -- DC-SIDS Contacts

Dynamic Coalition on the Sustainability of Journalism and News Media

The relationship between journalism and digital technology in today’s world is nothing less than intrinsic. Given that contemporary news media and journalism organisations produce and distribute content as well as interact with their audiences through digital technologies, the future, overall sustainability, and even existence of professional journalism and news media is now inextricably linked to the way different layers of the Internet are regulated and managed. 

Learn More -- IGF DC-Journalism Page

Selected Outputs -- Governing Digital Convergence: An Issue Paper on Media Development and Internet Governance

Join -- DC-Journalism Mailing List -- DC-Journalism Contacts

Dynamic Teen Coalition

The Dynamic Teen Coalition at the IGF is an extraordinary platform that empowers passionate and determined teenagers to take part in shaping the global landscape of internet governance. Through the near selection of thirteen teens for an ultra-intersectional STEAM Teen Board in coordination with our existing multigenerational Co-chair mentorships, we create a slow to growth community with shared concerns and hopeful solutions. 

Learn More -- IGF DTC Page

Join --DTC Mailing List

Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

The Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (YCIG) was established to advocate for the voice of children, young people, and young professionals in Internet governance fora and processes. YCIG is open to all young people and other relevant stakeholders interested in Internet governance issues. It has been successful in securing a commitment from the IGF to include young panelists at annual meetings, as well as at organizing a series of panels at different levels of engagement, and producing clear statements during IGF closing plenary sessions. 

Learn More -- IGF YCIG Page

Selected Outputs -- YCIG Statement to the Draft Outcome of the Overall Review of the Implementation of WSIS Outcomes

Join -- YCIG Mailing List -- YCIG Contacts