IGF 2022 Session Proposals Received

Linked below are all session proposals received for the IGF 2022 meeting, taking place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 28 November-2 December 2022. 
IGF 2022 workshop proposals are subject to qualitative evaluation by the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) [please see here the data on workshop proposals]. All other session proposals are screened against basic criteria outlined in the IGF 2022 Call for Session Proposals
A final selection of all sessions will be released in mid-July 2022, following the Second Open Consultations and MAG Meeting on 6-8 July. The final list of workshops will be based on MAG evaluation and result from the MAG's deliberations; the final lists of all other sessions will be based on basic criteria having been met, as stated above, and space constraints in the programme. All session proposers will be notified of their status when final lists are released.