IntroductionThe IGF Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation (PNIF) focusses on policy, technical, legal and regulatory measures that threaten the open, interconnected, and interoperable nature of the Internet. The PNIF, an IGF intersessional activity, emerged from a community effort led by a multistakeholder coalition of civil society, business and technical organizations. The PNIF aims to raise awareness of actions and measures that risk fragmenting the Internet and serve as a platform tor fostering dicussions on how avoid such fragmentation. PNIF Framework for Discussing FragmentationThe PNIF Framework for Discussing Fragmentation was developed bottom-up through discussions held in 2022 and 2023. Its overall goal is to serve as a general guiding and guiding tool for continuing the dialogue about fragmentation, engaging more people and stakeholders in a holistic and inclusive debate. Simultaneously, it aims to create a space for focused discussions, and working towards concrete solutions, policy approaches and guidelines to avoind Internet fragmentation. The framework conceptualises three key dimesions of fragmentation: Fragmentation of the Internet user experience, Fragmentation of the Internet's technical layer, and Fragmentation of Internet governance and coordination. (link) PNIF 2024 activitiesPNIF Webinar 1 - Avoiding Internet Fragmentation. Still a matter of concern in 2024? When the PNIF launched in 2022, it was strongly inspired by the UN Secretary General's call to address 'avoiding fragmentation of the Internet' in the Global Digital Compact (GDC). Two years later, with ongoing preparations for the GDC and the upcoming WSIS+20 discussions, the PNIF seeks to evaluate how this call is being followed up and how the PNIF platform and framework can be most effective in fostering holistic and inclusive discussions on fragmentation, thereby reflecting on and contributing to these critical dialogues.
PNIF Webinar 2 - tentative date 1 October 13:00-14:30 UTC - registration link
. participate All interested stakeholders can join an open dedicated mailing list and take active participation through regular meetings and others means of collaboration. The PNIF 2024 proposal was confirmed at the IGF 2024 MAG Meeting, 28-29 February 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Within the PNIF is a Multistakeholder Working Group of experts which supports transforming community’s expressed views into concrete actions, such as outputs and actionable next steps.
Background and PNIF activities 2022-2023
PNIF Framework for Discussing Internet Fragmentation
The PNIF's Framework for Discussing Fragmentation was developed through bottom-up and collaborative work in 2022 and 2023. The overall goal of the framework is to serve as a general guiding and orienting tool for continuing the dialogue about fragmentation and bringing in more people and stakeholders, allow a more holistic and inclusive debate, and at the same time create a space for focused discussion and work towards concrete solutions, policy approaches and guidelines.
The Policy Network and PNIF Framework for Discussing Fragmentation got noticed! References to and comments on the PNIF work:
- Nakayama Shapiro, M., Kumar, S. 2024. "Internet Fragmentation and Human Rights: How to counter threaths to an open interoperable and global Internet.' Global Partners Digital. url
- Sabbah, C.Y., Sharabi, M. 2023. "States as labatories of democracy in the international sphere: harnessing an "experimentation approach" to address internet fragmentation." The Federmann Cyber Security Research Center. 10 May. url .
- IGF Leadership Panel. 2023. "Contribution to Consultation on the Global Digital Compact.' url.
PNIF 2023 activities
Policy Network Internet Fragmentation - 2023 output report
IGF 2023 PNIF - Summary IGF 2023 PNIF - Report
Highlights PNIF Activities 2023
- PNIF session @IGF 2023, Kyoto - 10 October - recording
- Presentation PNIF discussion paper & Call for Feedback - PNIF call 18 September
- PNIF Webinar 3 - Internet Technical Layer - 27 June - recording
- PNIF Webinar 2 - Internet User experience - 24 May - recording
- PNIF Webinar 1 - Internet Governance and Coordination - 16 May - recording
- PNIF 2023 Kick-off call - 26 April 2023, slide deck (.pdf), summary (.pdf)
- PNIF output 2022 & Draft Framework - Summary (.pdf) IGF2022 PNIF Output (.pdf)
- Participate - Subscribe to the PNIF mailing list
- PNIF contribution to the Consultation on the Global Digital Compact (download .pdf)
- The IGF MAG confirmed the proposal to continue the PNIF as an intersessional activity leading into the 18th IGF meeting.
PNIF Outreach
- Avoiding Fragmentation: Options and tradeoffs in support of the interoperable global Internet, Rightscon, 6 June 2023
- Soberania Digital: Perspectivas Conceituais em Foco, Brazil IGF, Day 0, 30 May 2023
- PNIF Presentation to the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), 3 May 2023
- PNIF contribution to the Consultation on the Global Digital Compact, 29 April 2023
18 September 2023, 14:30 UTC, Launch PNIF Call for feedback What ? PNIF Discussion Paper (input IGF 2023) - Call for community feedback How? Send your feedback to PNIF-2023 /at/ Deadline? preferred deadline Sunday 1 October (allows that your input feeds into the session at IGF2023. (final deadline 10 Oct) Links PNIF Discussion paper - download Overview of received feedback - link
3 August, 14:00-15:00 UTC
[draft agenda] 1. Discussion on the practical approach and timelines for the three working groups that are further exploring the governance and coordination, user experience, and technical layer dimension of Internet fragmentation. 3. AoB and next steps
[moderation and coordination] Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-coordinator, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF MAG co-coordinator, Mr Wim Degezelle IGF Consultant PNIF. |
27 June, 12:00-13:30 UTC
[draft agenda] 1. Welcome & introductions - Brief overview of the PNIF and PNIF Framework for Discussing Internet Fragmentation 2. Internet Fragmentation - Technical Layer
3. Conclusion and next steps
[discussants] Mr Olaf Kolkman (Internet Society), Ms Mirja Kühlewind (IAB) [moderation and coordination] Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-coordinator, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF MAG co-coordinator, Mr Wim Degezelle IGF Consultant PNIF. |
24 May 2023, 17:00 - 18:30 UTC
[draft agenda] 1. Welcome & introductions - Brief overview of the PNIF and PNIF Framework for Discussing Internet Fragmentation 2. Internet Fragmentation - User Experience
3. Conclusion and next steps
[discussants] Ms Farzaneh Badii, Ms Marielza Oliveira, Mr Zach Rosson. [moderation and coordination] Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-coordinator, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF MAG co-coordinator, Mr Wim Degezelle IGF Consultant PNIF. |
16 May 2023, 13:00-14:30 UTC
[draft agenda] The first of three webinars on the three dimensions in the Internet Fragmentation discussion that were conceptuallised in last year's PNIF Framework for Discussing Internet Fragementation. 1. Welcome & introductions - Brief overview of the PNIF and PNIF Framework for Discussing Internet Fragmentation 2. Internet Fragmentation - Internet Governance and Coordination
3. Conclusion and next steps
[discussants] Ms Anriette Esterhuysen, Dr Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Ms Susan Ness, Ms Raquel Gatto. [moderation and coordination] Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-coordinator, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF MAG co-coordinator, Mr Wim Degezelle IGF Consultant PNIF. |
26 April 2023, 14:00-15:00 UTC
[agenda] 1. Welcome & introductions 2. PNIF 2022 and PNIF framework for discussing fragmentation 3. Plan for 2023 4. Outreach and engagement opportunities 5. AoB and Next steps [moderation and coordination] Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-coordinator, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF co-coordinator.
PNIF 2022 activities
30 November 2022, 06:30-08:00 am UTC
[draft agenda] 1. Welcome 2. The Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation - introduction 3. Towards a framework for discussing internet fragmentation. 3.1. Unpacking the draft framework 3.2. Town hall discussion on internet fragmentation and the draft framework 3.3. Summary of the discussion and input for the Main session 4. Looking forward - next steps for the PNIF [discussants] Ms Mazuba Haanyama, Head of Human rights Policy, Africa Middle East & Turkey, Meta; Ms Nawal Omar, Researcher at ICT Africa; Mr Olaf Kolkman, Principal at Internet Society; Mr Túlio César Mourthé de Alvim Andrade, Deputy Head, Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [moderation and coordination] Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-coordinator, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF co-coordinator, Mr Wim Degezelle, IGF consultant PNIF.
14 November 2022, 15:30-17:00 UTC
[agenda] The PNIF working meeting will discuss and further refine the PNIF Internet fragmentation framework that emerged from the PNIF webinars and prepare it to feed into PNIF session at the IGF.
[draft PNIF Internet fragmentation framework] The general goal of the PNIF IF framework is to serve as a general guiding/orienting document paving the way to inclusive and focused discussions about solutions and policy approaches to the issue of Internet fragmentation. Elements of the draft framework are:
27 October 2022, 13:30-15:30 UTC
[discussants and moderators] Discussants: Mr John Hughes, Mr Greg Nojeim, Ms Tatiana Tropina (additional discussants tbc). Moderators: Ms Sheetal Kumar, Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos. |
15 Sepembter 2022, 13:00-15:00 UTC [agenda]
[discussants and moderators] Discussants: Ms Allie Funk, Ms Anriette Esterhuysen, Ms Carolina Hippolito vor der Weid, Ms Farzaneh Badii, Mr Kevin Kohler, Mr Konstantinos Komaitis. Moderators: Ms Sheetal Kumar, Ms Time Suto |