About BPFs
The Best Practice Forums (BPFs) provide a platform to exchange experiences in addressing Internet policy issues. The objective is to collect existing and emerging good practices from community experience, not to develop new policies or practices.
BPFs are open, bottom-up and collective processes to produce community-driven outputs. BPF outputs intend to contribute to an understanding of global good practice, and to serve as a resource to inform policy discussions, standards development, business decisions, as well as public understanding, awareness, and discourse.
Click here to learn about the current BPF work and all so far produced reports.
BPF background
A report produced by the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) Working Group on Improvements to the IGF called for the development of more tangible outputs to ‘enhance the impact of the IGF on global Internet governance and policy’. To enrich the potential for IGF outputs, the IGF has developed an intersessional programme of Best Practice Forums (BPFs) intended to complement other IGF community activities.
All interested stakeholders are encouraged to contribute to the BPF discussions, through public consultations, surveys, mailing list discussions, online meetings, and other modalities for public engagement. Stakeholders interested in contributing to BPF activities are encouraged to subscribe to the dedicated mailing lists where online meetings and other activities are announced.
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