DCCOS: Action Plan


Aim of the DC

Organizations working with and for children and youths, government and industry representatives have joined together to establish a dialogue and address fundamental and practical issues impacting on child safety in the online environment.

Key objectives:

•   To ensure a safer and more secure online environment for children and youth;

•   To establish on-going exchange of experiences between all stakeholders;

•  To encourage procedures for the improvement of legal regulations as well as self-regulation instruments towards child safety online; 

•   To strengthen efforts on all levels to fight child sexual abuse images of all kind;

•   To strengthen efforts for the empowerment of children and youth themselves;

•  To discuss how to ensure that all tools such as web-based reporting mechanisms or age verification solutions restricting access for younger users to certain types of content and services provided to children such as awareness raising campaigns or educational content through digital platforms are employed reasonably;

•     To ensure that the needs of children as users are respected in the development and provision of new services and applications online; 

•     To create a platform for child rights agencies and freedom of expression advocates to dialogue on issues of mutual concern.

ACTION ITEMS for the next three years – FY16, FY17 and FY18

- Coordinate NGO’s and INGO activities on COP within WSIS +10 follow up and within IGF;

- Facilitate the exchange of information and of best practices between countries and regions;

- Facilitate the circulation of all available resources (data base, repository of legislations, codes of self-conducts, etc) that could be useful for the work of all interested child online protection actors;

-Adopt position papers/policy statements on relevant issues related to child online rights and safety;

-Strive for an alignment of understanding across national and cultural borders what is appropriate and inappropriate content, contact and conduct for children and youth on the internet;

-Promote open discussions/debates around aspects related to child online rights and safety during the IGF week as well as during inter-sessional periods;

-ensure that the voice of child rights and safety advocates is included in all debates on Internet Governance, because children should never be considered a less relevant group of users;

-Advocate for positioning issues around the rights of the children in a digital era on the Internet Governance agendas;

-Update constantly the guidelines of ITU and their versions (on paper and on-line);

-Improve the circulation of those guidelines and promote their adoption by the largest number of shareholders.