In light of the momentum generated by the newly-adopted sustainable development agenda, the MAG proposed ‘Enabling Inclusive and Sustainable Growth’ as this year's overarching theme. The sub-themes for the meeting will be determined in part by the workshop proposals received, with workshop proposers invited to write in their own tags if not covered under the selection of tags provided, particularly on emerging and new issues. The pre-existing tags include, but are not limited to, The Role of Internet and ICTs in Achieving the SDGs; Policies Enabling Access and the Digital Economy; Human Rights Online; Cybersecurity; Women and ICTs; and Critical Internet Resources; among many others.
All relevant information including the online proposal submission form, guidelines and tips for submitting proposals, can be found below. Proposers are strongly encouraged to read the 'Guidelines' and 'Considerations' documents before filling out the proposal form and making their submission. The deadline for submitting proposals is Monday 6 June 23:59 UTC-11.
IGF 2016 Guidelines for Workshop Proposals
Considerations for Workshop Proposers
MAG Workshop Review and Evaluation Process for IGF 2016
Format of Background Paper for Panel Sessions
IGF 2016 Reporting Template for Workshop Sessions
Important Note: As of this year, provisional speakers identified by the proposers in the above form will receive an automated message asking them to confirm their agreement to be included in the proposal. Confirmation of speakers is not required for a proposal to be considered complete and eligible for evaluation.