{tab General Information}
The next Open Consultations and face-to-face Meeting of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) is scheduled to take place on 4-6 April 2016, in Geneva, Switzerland.
The venue for the meeting will be Room A at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO):
34, Chemin des Colombettes
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland [Map]
Access to the venue: use entrance via Chemin des Colombettes street and follow the directions to the Meeting in Room A [Venue Access Plan].
Public Transportation Options
Coming to WIPO from Geneva Airport:
Bus 5 (direction Thonex Vallard, stop at Nations)
Bus 28 (direction Jardin Botanique, stop at Nations)
Coming from the city centre and central railway station ("Cornavin"):
Bus 5 (direction Aéroport or Palexpo, stop at Nations)
Bus 8 (direction OMS, stop at Nations)
Bus F (direction Gex-ZAC, stop at Nations)
Boat Bus Z (direction Bois-Chatton, stop at Nations)
Trams 15 and 17 (direction Nations, stop at Nations)
Registration and Badging
All participants have to register for the meeting using the registration form that is available on the IGF website, here. The onsite registration will be available as well, but it is recommended to use the form. Upon arrival, participants should pick up their badges at the registration desk starting from 9 a.m. CET, by presenting their photo ID.
{tab Agenda}
IGF Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, 4-6 April 2016
The main purpose of the 3-day meeting is to take stock of the IGF 2015 meeting and intersessional processes, as well as take forward discussions on the programme and structure of the IGF 2016 meeting in Mexico and other ongoing IGF activities.
Day 1: 4 April 2016 - Open Consultations
Time (CEST) |
Agenda Item |
10:00 - 11:00 |
1. Opening statements and adoption of the agenda a. Statement by Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs b. Welcome by MAG Chair c. Presentation by 2015 Host Country d. 2016 host - General statement on IGF 2016
11:00 - 13:00 |
2. Taking stock of IGF 2015 (while setting expectations for IGF 2016)
a. Secretariat’s summary of the inputs received to the stocktaking process. b. Comments on programme (main theme, sub-themes), structure (session types, schedule), logistics of IGF 2015 and lessons learned, suggestions for improvement. c. Comments on 2015 IGF intersessional activities and lessons learned, suggestions for improvement. d. Comments on Day 0, suggestions for improvement, role of MAG
13:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 - 18:00 |
(Continuation of morning discussion (not beyond 16:00)
3. Presentation and open discussion on outcomes[1] of the December 2015 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), including IGF mandate renewal for an additional 10 years.
4. Presentations from related Internet Governance initiatives and processes and open discussion on possible IGF 2016 activities (TBD): |
Day 2: 5 April 2016 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)
Time (CEST) |
Agenda Item |
10:00 - 13:00 |
1. Opening Statements a) Welcome remarks by UNDESA b) Introduction of new MAG members (on-site and remote) c) 2015 IGF Host’s remarks d) 2016 IGF Host’s remarks
2. IGF 2016 Host presentation on preparations for 11th IGF
3. MAG Orientation: Discussion on role and responsibilities of MAG 4. Discussion on IGF MAG Modalities
5. Discussion on possible approaches/general outline of overall IGF 2016 preparatory process a) Traditional approach/parallel approach, etc. b) Shaping the programme of IGF 2016 (themes and sub-themes) - workshops, open forums and other sessions; identifying main theme, sub-themes, working ‘tracks’, possible capacity building sessions; integration of intersessional work and National and Regional IGFs, etc.
6. Discussion on possible 2016 IGF intersessional activities a) Types of activities (Best Practice Forums, Dynamic Coalitions, National and Regional IGFs, others, etc.) b) Creation of working groups and timetable(s) for intersessional work |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch + Informal Meeting of Representatives of National and Regional IGFs |
15:00 - 18:00 |
(Continuation of morning discussion)
7. General Discussion on IGF 2016 a) Shaping the structure of IGF 2016 (session types and schedule) b) Selection criteria/timetable and mechanisms, etc. for workshops and other sessions c) Main sessions d) Other sessions including individual Best Practice Forum and Dynamic Coalition sessions, Day 0 ‘pre-events’ e) Integration of National and Regional IGFs and other relevant Internet Governance processes into IGF 2016 programme and intersessional activities |
Day 3: 6 April 2016 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)
Time (CEST) |
Agenda Item |
10:00 - 13:00 |
1. Continue discussions from Day 2 agenda a) Decisions on timetable and preparatory schedule for selection of themes, workshops and other sessions, programme structure, intersessional activities, etc.
13:00 - 15:00 |
Lunch + Informal meeting of IGF Dynamic Coalitions |
15:00 - 18:00
2. Creation of (or establishing continuance of existing) MAG Working Groups (if necessary)
3. Discussion and decisions on overall preparatory calendar of meetings and milestones for IGF 2016 annual meeting and intersessional activities
4. Any other business |
{tab Registration}
Upon arrival, participants should pick up their badges at the registration desk starting from 9 a.m. CET, by presenting their photo ID.
{tab Webcast}
Youtube based (www.youtube.com)
English: | French: |
{tab Remote Participation}
Links for participation during the main meeting in plenary
Webex based (www.webex.com)
Remote Participation Recommendations:
Remote participants will be able to interact throughout the meeting by sending text questions and/or video/audio interventions using the remote participation platform (Webex). These questions will be forwarded to the panel moderator when s/he opens the floor for questions from the audience.
When making an intervention remotely, please remember that your remarks may be interpreted into different languages and keep the following points in mind:
• speak from a quiet office without background noise;
• if calling by phone, use a landline and not a mobile;
• speak slowly and clearly so the interpreters can compensate any audio problem;
• speak into your handset and not into a speaker phone;
• when you speak, make sure your computer speakers are muted or turned down.
• start by stating your name and the country or organization that you represent.
• end your remarks with the phrase "This concludes my intervention".
• be prepared to type your question or comment in the chat window, if connection is poor.
• be sure to send by email a copy of any presentation, speech or material you intend to deliver.
Despite their rigorous training and extensive experience, interpreters may occasionally be hindered in their ability to provide a smooth rendering, should the audio become substandard. In extreme cases, they may even have to refrain from interpreting altogether. Please note that for an interpreter the audio signal has to be near-perfect.
A remote participation manual containing instructions on how to participate remotely is available.
{tab Transcripts}
{tab Input Documents}
Synthesis Paper: Contributions Taking Stock of IGF 2015 and Looking Forward to IGF 2016
Workshop Selection for IGF 2016 v1
Workshop Selection for IGF 2016 v2
Working Group on Main Session Guidelines IGF 2015
Working Group Considerations for Workshop Proposers
Working Group Guidelines for Workshop Proposals
Workshop Review and Evaluation Process
Previous IGF themes and subthemes
Evaluations of Workshops 2015 (Tables & Charts)
{tab Provisional List of Participants}