The Chair of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group and the IGF Secretariat will guide the IGF 2020 participants through the overall structure and programme of the 15th Annual IGF Meeting.
This interactive session will also allow all participants to directly ask questions related to the meeting and share suggestions.
The agenda will focus on:
Welcome and introductions (5 min)
Brief historic and structural overview of the IGF for newcomers (5 min)
Overall IGF 2020 meeting's structure
a) 2 weeks of the IGF: what to expect and how to navigate the programme? (5 min)
b) Community led sessions and four thematic tracks: what was the process and what are the thematic tracks about? (10 min)
c) How to connect to each session? What if you face technical issues? (5 min) -
High-Level Leaders Track (5 min)
Youth Track (5 min)
Concept of voluntary commitments (5 min)
Social networking breaks (5 min)
When and how to provide feedback? (5 min)
Open floor (35 min)
Participants are encouraged to consult the following sources of information:
- About the IGF and MAG
- About the IGF's intersessional work (Best Practice Forums (BPFs) and Dynamic Coalitions (DCs)) and national, regional and youth IGFs (NRIs)
- IGF 2020: introductory recorded sessions on thematic tracks
- IGF 2020 thematic narratives
- IGF 2020 pre-meeting guide to issues and themes
- IGF 2020 Call for Voluntary Commitments
- FAQs for IGF 2020 Participants