IGF 2022 Call for Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are brief, to-the-point, prepared presentation on a specific Internet governance issue.

Stakeholders with demonstrated interest in Internet governance and who can clearly outline the Internet governance-related objective to be achieved through this session, are invited to submit requests for session slot through the application e-form.  

Lightning Talks should focus on Internet governance-pertinent issues and activities. They should also link to the IGF 2022 themes, selectable in the submission form: 

IGF 2022 Themes 

The inclusion of a background paper with the Lightning Talk request is encouraged. The standard durations to choose from are 20 and 30 minutes. 
Session support: Webcast: No | Transcription: No | Interpretation: No  

The deadline for requesting Lightning Talk slots at the 17th IGF is 10 June 2022, 23:59 UTC​.