IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #124 Youth for Digital Inclusion & Environmental Sustainability

    Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (08:10 UTC) - Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (08:40 UTC)
    SC – Room H

    Sustainability & Environment
    Digital Technologies to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
    Existing and New Technologies as Climate Solutions

    OnePile, Asia Pacific Wong Ka Kei, Operation Director, OnePile, Asia Pacific
    Terrie Wong , Student representative of CrossKnow, student organization supported by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Asia Pacific
    Tom Su, Youth representative of OnePile Foundation, student organization supported by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Asia Pacific


    Boris Lo, Youth ambassador of OnePile Foundation, student organization supported by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Asia Pacific
    Terrie Wong , Student representative of CrossKnow, student organization supported by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Asia Pacific
    Tom Su, Youth representative of OnePile Foundation, student organization supported by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Asia Pacific
    Alice Choi, SDGs World Records holder in Hong Kong, Civil Society, Asia Pacific

    Onsite Moderator
    Alice Lun, Co-founder, OnePile, Asia Pacific
    Online Moderator
    Wong Ka Kei, Operation Director, OnePile, Asia Pacific
    Wong Ka Kei, Operation Director, OnePile, Asia Pacific


    Targets: In this Lightning Talk, the initiatives that we invited to share are aiming to: i) Promote digital inclusion of marginalized groups by creating new on/offline platforms that facilitate learning, empowering community members regardless of race, gender or age to access quality education. ii) Explore sustainable and innovative solutions to address education and environmental issues by connecting the online and offline worlds. Besides, this session also envisions promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships for long-term strategic cooperation.


    Lightning Talk It consists of 2 parts. Part 1 is a showcase of 2 relevant initiatives, which is followed by a short Q&A session. Part 2 is a quick fireside chat exploring possible joint actions Session Structure Introduction (2min) PART 1: Topic 1 Showcase + Q&A (9min) Topic 2 Showcase + Q&A (9min) PART 2: Fireside Chat (10min)

    Duration (minutes)

    This 30-minute lightning talk explores the intersection of digital divides, environmental sustainability, and youth entrepreneurship. Presenters will share their initiatives that are bridging the online and offline worlds, connecting communities, and fostering new opportunities for young entrepreneurs to make a difference in these crucial SDGs-related areas. The session also includes a 10 min fireside chat inviting stakeholders from the Internet Governance Community to collectively brainstorm potential innovative actions in promoting digital inclusion and environmental sustainability. Session structure Introduction (2min) Topic 1 Showcase + Q&A (9min) Topic 2 Showcase + Q&A (9min) Fireside Chat (10min) Showcase Topic Topic 1: Innovative Solutions for Digital Inclusion This talk will showcase an initiative focusing on innovative ways to address digital divides, particularly in marginalized communities. It will emphasise the role of young entrepreneurs in creating new and sustainable solutions to connect the online and offline worlds. Topic 2: Empowering Youth Entrepreneurs for Climate Action This talk will highlight a project that empowers young entrepreneurs to take climate action and build sustainable businesses. The presenter will discuss how the initiative encourages young people to use digital technology to address environmental challenges and bridge the digital divide.

    On top of the onsite discussion and session structure outlined above, the online moderator will monitor incoming messages from remote participants and will pass the insights and questions to the presenters for interaction. For the fireside chat, we will also adopt online interaction tools such as Padlet, Lino, or Miro to collect ideas and insights from both onsite and remote participants. The idea wall will be projected on the screen at the meeting venue and in the video conference room, making the ideas visible both digitally and physically.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    OnePile youth initiatives aim to encourage and provide green digital solutions to excavate new interest and knowledge through developing their reading habits along with the idea of sustainability.
    Youth-driven initiatives can start with small-scale Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) projects and employ creative solutions to leverage digital platforms in promoting sustainability.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Harness the youth’s creativity, and together we can accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through small-scale digital initiatives! Dare to dream big and initiate SDGs actions!
    Facilitate the engagement of young individuals with various stakeholders on platforms aimed at fostering their growth and progress towards a sustainable future.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    The session started by addressing the importance of promoting youth in digital inclusion while focusing on sustainability education as well as the idea of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that matters in today’s community. The factors that influence access to digital education revolve around barriers which relate to the infrastructure and the divide between the urban and rural areas.  

    OnePile is a technology-driven Initiative organization that focuses on leveraging technology to solve problems sustainability and education in Hong Kong.  The organization aims to tackle matters such as upskilling people from different ages with the right competencies to be able to have access to new knowledge through books, making use of digital education where it is accessible through its Smart Book Crossing Cabinet, and encouraging the circulation of books.  This is done by allowing books to be donated and taken for free, reducing the need to print new books, saving the carbon emitted from their production.  Also benefits the underprivileged in Hong Kong by allowing them to gain free access to books. 

    The key metrics of the concept of sustainability of education is implemented through circulating books, the organization has circulated over 78,000 books, equivalent to an estimated carbon cost of 3,600 tons. By conducting STEM workshops with local schools in Hong Kong, allows the organization to introduce the latest technologies and process behind the design of the Smart Book Crossing Cabinets project, such as basic STEM skills and how it would make a step towards the education of sustainability. The motto of OnePile is that “Books are agents of change, providing valuable knowledge, reducing carbon emission at the same time, as well as reducing impact towards the environment.” 

    The second part of the session was allocated to introduce SDG book club, a youth-led initiative project.  The aim of such a project is to increase the awareness of reading habits and sustainable culture, where inspired by the SDNS survey 2023 conducted in Hong Kong, showing that only 20% of the population within the city acknowledge the concept of SDGs, therefore the project has been developed.  Through supporting the youth development, SDGs was introduced through organizing different events (i.e. Plastic Reduction Charity Run and Potted Plants Combated Climate Change event), leading our youth to focus on the matter of inclusion environmental sustainability. 

    Furthermore, OnePile is also supportive towards innovation ideas, by allowing the youth team to create online applications (i.e. Website and Apps). The online application highlights the feature of classifying books about Sustainable Development Goals, allowing the users to find books based on their SDGs interests. The application also allows readers and users to share their perspectives through its comment session, creating an experience of engaging with the culture the organization is trying to promote and its dedication to SDGs 11, that is to develop sustainable communities and cities.  

    The guest speaker showcased the efforts undertaken in Hong Kong to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing how these initiatives fostered community cohesion and unity. By actively encouraging and engaging youth, the speaker demonstrated how they played a pivotal role in working towards achieving the SDGs. Their involvement not only empowered and inspired young individuals but also reinforced the idea of collective responsibility in driving positive change for a sustainable future.

    During the Q&A session, participant suggested that emphasizing the need to explore and nurture collaborative relationships can leverage the experience and expertise of existing coordinators while harnessing the energy and innovative ideas of passionate young individuals. By fostering such partnerships, the collective impact can be enhanced and create a powerful synergy in advancing the SDGs agenda to the community.