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Show on Landing Page 2023

IGF 2023 WS #49 Cooperation for a Green Digital Future

Additional Speakers



Part I. Panel discussion (25 minutes)


  • Yoichi Iida, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan (MIC-Japan)


  • Pearse O’Donohue, EU (in person)
  • Nadia Owusu, Youth Advocate, Ghana (in person)
  • Sarah Walkley, Purplefully, UK (online)
  • Michelle Thorne, The Green Web Foundation, Germany (online)

Part II: Moderated exchange with audience on strengthening multistakeholder and international cooperation (in-person and online) (20 minutes)


  • Patryk Pawlak, Visiting scholar, Carnegie Europe


  • Bitange Ndemo, Ambassador of Kenya to the Kingdom of Belgium and the European Union (in-person)
  • Yawri Carr, Technical University Munich, Costa Rica (online)
  • Alexia Gonzalez Fanfalone, OECD (online)

Part III: Reactions and wrap up by the panelists (15 minutes)


  • Yoichi Iida, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan (MIC-Japan).


  • Pearse O’Donohue, EU (in person)
  • Nadia Owusu, Youth Advocate, Ghana (in person)
  • Sarah Walkley, Purplefully, UK (online)
  • Yawri Carr, Technical University Munich, Costa Rica (online)
  • Michelle Thorne, The Green Web Foundation, Germany (online)
  • Bitange Ndemo, Ambassador of Kenya to the Kingdom of Belgium and the European Union (in-person)
  • Alexia Gonzalez Fanfalone, OECD (online)

IGF 2023 WS #147 Green and digital transitions: towards a sustainable future

Additional Speakers

1. Speaker: Liu Chuang, Editor-in-Chief of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository, World Data System - WDS, Professor of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

2. Online moderator: Zhou Xiang, Co-chair of CODATA Task Group in/for/with Developing Countries, Professor of Aerospace Information Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China