IGF 2024 BPF Cybersecurity

IGF 2024 BPF on Cybersecurity Capacity Building



Read the final report! 
IGF 2024 Best Practice Forum Cybersecurity
Mainstreaming capacity building for cybersecurity, trust, and safety online


''A participatory, multi-stakeholder approach is crucial for sustainable and inclusive cyber capacity building. Efforts should be optimized through mapping, coordinating, collaborating, and fostering dialogue, especially in low-resource environments. Cybersecurity should be demystified through accessible resources, framed as an investment in the resilience of future generations. Effective capacity-building should be consistent, localised, contextual, relevant, and well-resourced to ensure accessibility.''

The report was presented and discussed in a dedicated session at the 19th annual IGF meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Below are the records of the open, inclusive, and multistakeholder preparatory work carried out throughout the 2024 IGF cycle

Main session BPF Cybersecurity Capacity Building @IGF2024

17 December, 16:45-18:00, Riyadh (online 13:45-15:00 UTC) Zoom & IGF Sched link

Coordination and Sustainability in Cybersecurity Capacity Building - session outline

Problem Statement 

While various mappings, inventories, and initiatives provide a wealth of information on cybersecurity capacity-building offerings, overlaps and gaps in information exist and the information may not reach its target audience effectively.

Session Objectives

The BPF will explain how it discussions led to the above problem statement and invite panellists and participants to comment on the problem statement, share their own experiences, and make suggestions to refine or rephrase if needed. The second part of the session will zoom in on actionable solutions, best practices and recommendations to address or avoid the problem.

Draft Agenda

1. Welcome & opening of the meeting  (5 min)

2. Introduction: the BPF on Cybersecurity Capacity Building  (10 min)

3. Panel discussion & participant feedback 

Round 1  Feedback on the problem statement  (25 min)

Round 2  How to address and do better  (25 min)

4. Summary and closing remarks (10 min)

Panel and moderation

  • Ms Tereza Horejsova (GFCE)
  • Ms. Mevish P Vaishnav, Academy of Digital Health Sciences
  • Ambassador Brendan Dowling (Australia)
  • Mr João Moreno Falcão (ZKM)
  • Mr Yao Amevi A. Sossou (Youth IGF Benin)


  • Ms Carina Birarda (BPF co-facilitator), Mx Oktavía Hrund G Jóns (BPF co-facilitator), Ms Josephine Miliza (BPF co-facilitator), Mr Dino Cataldo Dell' Accio (BPF co-facilitator), Ms Hariniombonana Andriamampionoma (BPF co-facilitator), Mr Wim Degezelle (BPF Consultant, IGF Secretariat)




  • BPF main session at the IGF 2024 in Riyadh, 17 December, 16:45-18:00, main session hall ( and online 13:45-15:00 UTC)  
  • Survey : Submit examples of inventories and mappings of cybersecurity capacity building:   click to submit examples


About the IGF 2024 BPF on Cybersecurity Capacity Building

Coordination and Sustainability in Cybersecurity Capacity Building

The Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity Capacity Building aims to foster cooperation to ensure the efficient and effective use of the limited resources for capacity building. In 2024, the BPF is examining existing mappings and inventories of cybersecurity capacity building initiatives, with the goal of contributing to reducing duplication, minimizing overlap, and encouraging collaboration where synergies exist.  

BPF Activities & Updates

BPF Call III, 27 November,  agenda , call summary, guest presentation Cyber Capacity Building Impact Evaluation 

BPF Call II, 26 September, agenda, proposed draft outline, call summary

BPF Call I, 20 June, agenda, summary

Proposal for an IGF 2024 Best Practice Forum on Mainstreaming capacity building for cybersecurity, trust and safety online



Cybersecurity capacity building inventories and mappings

The BPF is compiling an overview of existing inventories and mappings of cybersecurity capacity building.  Contribute by submitting information on existing initiatives :  [click to submit examples]  Overview of already collected information  [click to see what information is already collected]



BPF Coordinating team
  •  BPF co-facilitators
    • Ms Josephine Miliza, MAG member
    • Ms Carina Birarda, MAG member
    • Mx Oktavía Hrund G Jóns, MAG member
    • Ms Hariniombonana Andriamampionona, former MAG member
    • Mr Dino Cataldo Dell'Accio, UNJSPF rep. to the MAG
  • Consultant IGF Secretariat
    • Mr Wim Degezelle



Join the BPF mailing list (subscribe here) and the BPF calls (details below).  The BPF welcomes community volunteers to help with the collection of information, analysis and drafting. Contact  bpf-cybersecurity-info@intgovforum.org if interested in joining the work .

 Learn more about the 2023 BPF Cybersecurity at www.intgovforum.org/en/content/bpf-cybersecurity-2023