Organizer 1: Kumar Vineet, 🔒
Organizer 2: Subi Chaturvedi, 🔒
Speaker 1: Kumar Vineet, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 2: Subi Chaturvedi, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 3: Suresh Yadav, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
Speaker 4: Sally Costerton, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
Subi Chaturvedi, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
Subi Chaturvedi, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
Kumar Vineet, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
Duration (minutes): 60
Format description: We will facilitate interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees first and foremost by directing every participant to switch on his/her/they cameras with sufficient lighting, including their full name such that it can be understood by everyone, and monitoring online participation through regular check-ins via chat messaging. The room layout selected will enable us to read the room and engage participants in the conversation more openly. Also all queries can be addressed during the session as posted by the online and onsite participants with the help of the moderator as well as the onsite speakers. We would make use of Zoom and online tools to engage participants online. We have an experience of doing hybrid events in the past.
1. What's the role of policymakers in balancing innovation and security to mitigate cyberthreats and promote cyberpeace in the digital age? 2. What are the policy implications of emerging cyberthreats for global cybersecurity efforts and peacebuilding initiatives? 3. How can international norms and agreements shape the governance of cyberspace and facilitate cross-border cooperation in addressing cyber conflicts? 4. What strategies can be employed to foster collaboration among stakeholders to enhance collective cyber defense capabilities and mitigate the risk of cyber warfare? 5. How can regulatory frameworks adapt to the rapid pace of technological innovation while upholding principles of human rights?
What will participants gain from attending this session? Through engaging dialogue and multi-stakeholder collaboration, the session will aim to chart a path towards designing digital futures that prioritize global harmony and cyber peace. By leveraging the principles of Peace by Design, stakeholders can work together to build a resilient and inclusive digital society that safeguards against cyber conflicts and advances the collective pursuit of peace in the digital age. Attendees of this session will gain invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of cyber threats and the pivotal role of design in shaping our digital future. Together, we can pave the way for a safer, more prosperous world—one where technology serves as a catalyst for peace, not conflict.
In today's digitally driven world, the trajectory of global harmony hinges upon the strategic design and governance of digital technologies. The exponential growth of technology has not only interconnected our world but has also exposed us to unprecedented vulnerabilities. Cyber warfare is no longer a distant threat; it's a present reality. With 13 attacks per second on critical infrastructure in 2023, and an anticipated surge in cybercrime costs to US$9.5 trillion by 2024, the urgency for action has never been clearer. The deliberate design of digital technologies takes on heightened significance, offering both opportunities for promoting cyber peace and addressing emerging challenges in the realm of cyber conflicts. The proposed panel, "Peace by Design," will explore the intricate interplay between technological innovation, cyber threats, and the pursuit of peace in the online world. The session will highlight the critical importance of preserving principles such as openness, interoperability, and user-centricity in the face of escalating cyber threats. Understanding Cyber Conflicts and Threats, Navigating Ethical Considerations in AI and Cyber Warfare, Fostering Collaboration for Cyber Peace, Innovating Towards Cyber Resilience, Policy Implications for Cyber Peace are the major topics that will be covered.
These policy questions will serve as the foundation for the session, guiding our exploration of key issues and informing the development of actionable recommendations for promoting cyber peace and global harmony in the digital age.
Hybrid Format: We will facilitate interaction between onsite and online speakers and attendees first and foremost by directing every participant to switch on his/her/they cameras with sufficient lighting, including their full name such that it can be understood by everyone, and monitoring online participation through regular check-ins via chat messaging. We would make use of Zoom and online tools to engage participants online. We have an experience of doing hybrid events in the past.
It is critical that designing Digital Technologies is strategic in making Cyber Peace their focus: We now live in a rapidly interconnected world, therefore, a deliberate design of digital systems that prioritise openness, and interoperability and are user-oriented can mitigate the risks of cyber conflicts. Strategic and proactive designs can help safeguard critical infrastructure while at the same time fostering trust and promoting inclusive dig
Fostering collaborations among multi-stakeholder parties is crucial for effectively addressing cyber threats. Cyber peace cannot be achieved in isolation. Stakeholders, such as Governments, the private sector, civil society, and international bodies, must collaborate to share knowledge, build capacity, and develop unified strategies to defend against state-sponsored attacks, cyber warfare, and emerging cybercrime. The worldwide cooperation is nec
The key to Cyberspace resilience is finding a balance between Innovation, Ethics and Regulation: Technologies like AI and blockchain offer new opportunities for cyber resilience, and therefore, it becomes essential for policymakers to find a balance between innovation and ethical governance. Legal and Ethical Standards need to be equipped to handle the challenges posed by emerging tech and designing legislations/frameworks that upholds human rig
Prioritise Cross-Border Collaborations for CyberPeace, Invest in Cyber Resilience efforts through Innovation and Capacity-building exercises, Promoting ‘Tech for Good’
Promotion of Ethical and Responsible Use of AI in Cyber Operations, Crowdsourcing CyberPeace and Cybersecurity