JOINT OPEN FORUM EBU, European Broadcasting Union in partnership with EuroDIG organizers

  • Organisation
    JOINT OPEN FORUM EBU, European Broadcasting Union in partnership with EuroDIG organizers
  • Open Forum Title
    Messages from Europe
  • Description
    In the past, regional IG initiatives often discussed procedures while the exchange of experiences and best practise was a main focus. This was very helpful because we could learn from each other and pave the ground for a solid IG process on the regional and national level. We believe that it is now important to submit the outcomes of regional events to the IGF in order to strengthen the global process. Therefore we would like to apply for an open forum in order to submit the “European Messages”. We believe that submitting the output of each region could elaborate the discussion in Brazil and foster a bigger understanding for the issues discussed in each region. We further believe this would encourage national IGF’s to participate even more in the regional’s and will lead to a holistic and accountable IG process. Furthermore we like to kick start the EuroDIG 2016 process and discuss the relevance for the WSIS+10 process.
  • Speakers
    Alexander Jobim WBU/EBU; Thomas Schneider, OFCOM / ICANN GAC Chairperson; Lee Hibbard CoE; RIPE representative; ISOC , EC and European Youth Forum representatives; others to be defined according to the EuroDIG 2015 programme....
  • Background paper
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