New IGF resources now available (25 January 2017)
Some of the tangible outcomes from the IGF’s intersessional activities conducted in 2016 are now published, including:
BPF Gender: Outcome resource 2016 (access and gender) & recommendations roadmap (online abuse and gender-based violence);
BPF Cybersecurity (‘Building Confidence and Security in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) through Enhanced Cooperation and Collaboration’); and
Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) (Phase II).
These resources are the outputs from bottom-up, inclusive, and community-driven activities of the IGF that took place over the course of 2016.
The IGF, along with the facilitators and rapporteurs for all of the respective intersessional activities, are grateful for the invaluable support given and time invested in these activities by numerous stakeholders and volunteers. We would also like to recognise the leadership and dedication of the coordinators, facilitators, and lead experts who supported the IGF’s intersessional work over the past year, including Aaron Hughes, Anri van der Spuy, Brian Gutterman, Constance Bommelaer, Izumi Okutani, Jac SM Kee, Maarten Van Horenbeeck, Marco Hogewoning, Markus Kummer, Sumon A. Sabir, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Segun Olugbile and Wim Degezelle, among many others.
What can you do with the IGF’s intersessional resources?
We encourage all stakeholders to share these resources with their respective communities to ensure that the IGF resource outputs also become useful inputs into other processes of relevance to the Internet and its governance in 2017 and beyond.
We hope these resources will not only be useful for policymakers and other stakeholders, but will also continue to symbolise the IGF community’s belief that multistakeholder collaboration is fundamental in effectively addressing pertinent Internet policy challenges.