Orientation sessions are intended for both newcomers to the IGF and those that are already involved but would need to get a more holistic view of internet governance. It will gather experts, fellows, decision-makers and practitioners to “dive in” process, actors and topics related to the Internet governance. The sessions will be serious but amusing, creative but also informative, open but also guided in order to be effective.
Day 3: 8.00-9.30, Main Hall
Set up: Role plays
Main focus: IG negotiations (simulation)
Time: 90 mins
(10min) Introduction: Ice breaker
- How did you find the second day? (Any Challenges? Recommendations? )
(20min) Snapshot of Day 3
- “Access/Diversity: Internet as an Engine for Growth and Sustainable Development”
- “Openness: Human Rights, freedom of expression, free flow of information on the Internet”
- Capacity building sessions of the day (WS 344, 201, 175
(60min) IG negotiations exercise:
- Experts and novices in groups –role plays on negotiating skills/demonstration of the ‘corridor’ talks etc
- Have about 3 different role plays and all participants get to participate in all three.
- Give opportunity to few to share lessons learnt from each role play
- “Introduction to Internet Governance” e-book: www.diplomacy.edu/igbook
- “Mapping internet public policy” slides and presentation: www.apc.org/en/pubs/books/mapping-internet-public-policy
- “The Internet Ecosystem” document: www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/Ecosystem_Factsheet.pdf