PNAI Materials

On this page you can access and explore the Policy Network on AI meeting materials, latest drafts of work in progress and published deliverables. All PNAI materials are also available in PNAI’s document folder.


Materials of PNAI MWG meetings

The PNAI Multistakeholder Working Group (MWG) meetings are at the core of the PNAI work. A meeting summary is prepared after each PNAI MWG meeting. Meeting summaries include links to presentations, meeting agendas and all other meeting materials. Meeting invitations and summaries are shared through the PNAI mailing list.

Register to join upcoming PNAI Multistakeholder Working Group meetings on PNAI MWG page 

Materials of PNAI Sub-groups

PNAI has four active Sub-groups that store their drafting documents and prepare deliverables in Google Documents. Read the most recent materials of the 2024 Sub-groups:

PNAI publications and deliverables