Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Roundtable - The Broadband (Access) Dilemma

Organizing Entity - Internet Society Trinidad and Tobago Chapter

Name of the Event:
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Roundtable - The Broadband (Access) Dilemma

Expected number of participants
- 20-30

Brief Discussant Case Studies + Roundtable with Free Discussion through Remote Participation/Live Social Media Infusion

Description and objective
Following upon the issues raised by Workshop #81 in Baku re: "Internet Governance & Sustainable Development - the case of Small Island Developing States", elements of a research and action agenda have begun emerging, starting with the most basic of issues - Access. In this regard, and as the specific focus on the unique characteristics of SIDS continues, this Roundtable will tackle the issue of the moving target that is "bridging the Digital Divide" re: the issues contemplated in WCIT 2012, WTPF 2013 and ongoing Broadband rollout strategies.The Roundtable attempts to answer the following specific research questions:

1. Does the global focus on Broadband rollouts without full disclosure of costs therein create "new Digital Divides" in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)?

2. Does the relative silence of SIDS on these and related issues at international fora, especially treaty-making fora, create unforseen problems for SIDS, having not carefully weighed the impact of decisions made at these fora?

3. How can SIDS improve their contribution to the Policy-making process re: Internet Governance & Broadband?