Official Community-Wide Hashtag: #IGF2022
Meeting Title Hashtag: #ResilientInternet
Participate in IGF 2022 online via the following social media:
Session-Specific Hashtags
Start with #IGF2022 and add Session-Specific Hashtags using session titles in the Interactive Schedule:
Workshops - use the hashtag format, #WS<workshop number>. For example, #IGF2022 #WS70 ...
Open Forums - use the hashtag format, #OF<open forum number>. For example, #IGF2022 #OF4 …
Town Halls - use the hashtag format, #TH<town hall number>. For example, #IGF2022 #TH36 …
Lightning Talks - use the hashtag format, #LT<lightning talk number>. For example, #IGF2022 #LT21 …
Launches/Awards - use the hashtag format, #LA<launches/awards number>. For example, #IGF2022 #LA9 ...
Networking Sessions - use the hashtag format, #NS<networking session number>. For example, #IGF2022 #NS4 ...
Day 0 Sessions - use the hashtag format, #Day0<day 0 session number>. For example, #IGF2022 #Day07 ...
Main Sessions - use the hashtag #MainSession. For example, #IGF2022 #MainSession #AddressingAdvancedTechnologies ...
Best Practice Forums - use the hashtag #BPF. For example, #IGF2022 #BPF on #Cybersecurity …
Policy Networks - use the hashtag #PN. For example, #IGF2022 #PN on #MeaningfulAccess ...
Dynamic Coalitions - use the hashtag #DC. For example, #IGF2022 #DC on #Sustainability …
National and Regional Initiatives or NRI Collaborative Sessions - use the hashtag #NRI. For example, #IGF2022 #NRI on #ActionsNeeded …
Global Youth Summit - use the hashtags #Youth #IGFYouth. For example, #IGF2022 Global #Youth Summit...
Enhance Tweets/Posts with IGF Themes
Enhance your tweets or posts by using a variety of hashtags related to the main meeting themes/issue areas. #IGF2022 followed by:
#AddressingAdvancedTechnologies #AdvancedTechnologies #AI #AddressingAI |
Addressing Advanced Technologies, Including AI |
#AvoidingInternetFragmentation #Unity #Cooperation #InternetFragmentation #Disunity #SDG16 #SDG17 |
Avoiding Internet Fragmentation |
#ConnectingAllPeople #Connectivity #HumanRights #Universality #Multilingualism #SDG10 #SDG9 #SDG8 |
Connecting All People and Safeguarding Human Rights |
#Safety #Security #Accountability #SafetySecurityAccountability #InternetSafety #SafeInternet #Cybersecurity #Misinformation #Disinformation #E-waste #SDG12 #SDG13 #SDG16 |
Enabling Safety, Security and Accountability |
#DataGovernance #Privacy #InternetPrivacy #DataProtection #PersonalDataProtection #DataJustice #SDG16 |
Governing Data and Protecting Privacy |
Hybrid Feedback
Our social media are not just for spreading the word on the IGF and on particular sessions. We are encouraging all participants to use session-specific hashtags to give their inputs on the sessions they have participated in. Particularly if you cannot be in the Zoom room during the session, or you are in a timezone inconvenient for participating live and you have watched the recording on YouTube, you can still comment! Our aim is that commenting on social media will enhance participation for all, including asynchronous participation.
Twitter is the preferred medium for giving your feedback with hashtags. See the guide above on creating session-specific hashtags.